Why I Am Training For A Triathlon

May 4, 2009

I’ve been an athlete my whole life, mostly playing soccer but there was a stint a couple years ago where I fancied myself a runner. Unfortunately, when I started my job almost a year ago, I had to quit playing soccer because of my crazy schedule, and I haven’t really kept up much of a serious exercise routine since then.

I thought it would be enough to eat fairly healthy (which I do), have a physically demanding job (which I do), and occasionally supplement with yoga and bike riding (which I do). But despite all this, my weight continues to creep up ever so slowly. In talking to David about this last week, he told me, “Things change as you get older. You have to fight it.”

Those words stuck with me. It would be so easy to just let my body go, but I don’t want to. I want to be in great shape before I have a child so that it’s not impossible for me to slim down again afterwards. I want to really take care of myself.

I decided that training for a triathlon is how I am going to accomplish this. I’ve been interested in doing one for awhile now, and why put it off? I have running experience, so it shouldn’t be too hard to work up to 5k distance again. I already own a nice bike that I want to ride more anyway. I know how to swim, and will appreciate the variety it brings to my workouts. (Although I went to the pool for the first time yesterday and it was HARD.)

After only a few days of training, I know that I will probably be in the best shape of my life when this is all over with. I love having a goal to aim for: The Austin Triathlon on Labor Day. It makes me excited to exercise. It also gets me outside, which I don’t do enough of. I’m nervous because there are a lot of technical things I don’t know about, and it will mean doing some kind of training almost every day, but I know it’ll be worth it.

Anyone want to join me, even if it’s long-distance?

Posted in: health, exercise, health

Comments on Why I Am Training For A Triathlon

  1. 1

    From Tabaitha Kaye:

    That is awesome! I know you will feel so much better afterwards and that is a great goal to achieve.

  2. 2

    From Krista:

    This is a great goal and a good time frame for training! Let me know if you have questions along the way – I’m a newbie too!

  3. 3

    From Mindy:

    This is fantastic! Your post is so much more eloquently written than mine was last week about getting older :) The hubs and I too are discussing TTC, and we both would love to lose a few lbs and get in shape before starting a family. I don’t know about a triathalon, but I’d love to do a 5K to do something…I hope your training goes well! What does your training schedule look like?

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