I Am…

September 9, 2009

…not hungry even though it’s my lunchbreak thanks to the free bagels and cookies someone brought to work.

…excited about having joined 20-something bloggers.

…contemplating an attempt on a VERY low-cost, creative makeover to my dining room. Any ideas? (It needs help desperately.)

…trying to convince my husband to team up with my youngest brother on a blog because they are both hilarious.

…loving my job. I had a dream that I quit and began working in a clinic instead and I hated it.

…excited about the prospect of being able to do a little more with my blog design thanks to my brother.

…wondering which of my 101 goals to tackle next.

…nearing the end of two books simultaneously, which makes me feel incredibly productive.

…relieved that my new stethoscope was delivered today.

…dying for a shopping spree.

Posted in: personal, me

Comments on I Am…

  1. 1

    From Julienne:

    What about painting out the light fixture???

  2. 2

    From dad:

    If I’m finishing up two books my first thought is what’s next

  3. 3

    From Rae:

    Do you get a shopping spree with your next raise from the job you love? :-)

  4. 4

    From Lauren From Texas:

    I am so impressed with this list :)

  5. 5

    From Chelsea Talks Smack:


  6. 6

    From Chelsea:

    I’m on 20SB too!

    Paint is cheap and easy. Or maybe a new light fixture? Or rug?

  7. 7

    From Ashley:

    I love my job too. And, welcome to 20sb!

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    From Carrie:

    I love the changes you’re making to the blog ( the new font is cute!)
    Thanks for the comment on my blog about the couch to 5k iPhone app – that thing is definitely going to help with my motivation.

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