Ten (Or Fifteen) On Tuesday

December 15, 2009


Today’s Ten on Tuesday is really Fifteen on Tuesday. That’s cool, I’m flexible. I can adapt.

1. If you could change anything about your physical appearance, what would it be?
I don’t like to dwell on this kind of thing too much, but I have to say that I would love to have killer legs. Especially calves, like those of a ballet dancer. I don’t think it’s in the cards for me ever to have legs like that.

2. Is there a habit in others that you find annoying?
Smoking is the biggest one. Mainly I’m just passionate about helping people quit because of how terrible it is. But I also can’t stand to be around smoke.

3. What is your favorite recipe using ground beef?
Enchilada casserole. Yum!

4. What was your favorite book as a kid?
Matilda by Roald Dahl. I read it so many times I can’t count. I think it’s the reason I love to read so much. Matilda was only 4 years old and she was reading more than I do now! I wanted to be like her.

5. Did you work as a teenager and if so, where?
My parents wouldn’t let me work for most of high school because I was in too many extracurricular activities and they wanted me to do well in school, too. But eventually I convinced them to let me get a job. (Foreshadowing: this was a terrible idea.) When I was a junior the huge Katy Mills Mall opened up nearby, and I got hired at the restaurant Johnny Rockets. I did not thrive in this environment, and let me tell you why: a) ridiculous uniforms, b) mandatory dancing to certain jukebox songs, c) rude coworkers, and d) improper training. After 4 months I couldn’t take it anymore, not even to go in and give notice or pick up my paycheck. I pulled an Office Space and just stopped going. They called me for awhile, but eventually gave up and mailed me my money. The only positive thing I have to say about this job was that it introduced me to the song “Chicago: My Kind of Town” by Frank Sinatra.

6. Did you work while in college and if so, where?
Every summer I worked at a Christian camp. During the year I cleaned a couple buildings on campus. I also got paid a pittance to lead the junior high youth group of a local church.

7. When you go to sleep do you like total darkness or semi? When you go to sleep do you need quiet or is some noise ok?
I like it very dark and quiet, but since I got married I’ve learned to adjust to a bit of light and noise down the hallway, since I can’t force my husband to go to sleep at the insanely early hour that I do.

8. When doing laundry, fabric softener or not?
Not in the washer, but I like to use the sheets in the dryer. I notice that they decrease static electricity immensely.

9. Open toed or closed toed shoes?
Sandals are my favorite, but I also like some comfy boots. It just depends on the weather.

10. Would you rather be blind or deaf?
Well, I think I’d have to give up a lot more if I went blind. Going deaf I’d miss my husband’s sexy voice and music, but mostly I’d miss being able to hear myself sing. (Does that sound narcissistic? Ah, well.) Still, I’d rather make those sacrifices.

11. Dangle or stud earrings?
I am a stud-wearer. I have maybe two pairs of decent dangly earrings, and whenever I put them on I think I look funny.

12. Bottled water or tap?
I am particular about what kind of bottled water I’ll drink. Some of them have weird aftertastes. Usually tap water suits me just fine.

13. What do you put on pancakes?
Butter and syrup.

14. On a long trip would you rather drive or fly?
Fly. I’m not a huge fan of driving, and I usually want to maximize the amount of time I have at my destination.

15. Do you prefer classic old movies or new?
Probably new. I like all the visual stuff they can do with movies now. I am easily impressed. Although I must say that since I’ve begun watching all the old Best Pictures, I have discovered some real gems from early on.

Whew, those 15 questions took it out of me. I need a nap now.

Posted in: personal, me

Comments on Ten (Or Fifteen) On Tuesday

  1. 1

    From Megan:

    I LOVE your Johnny Rockets story! I don’t know how it’s possible, but you just keep going higher and higher up my list of awesome.

  2. 2

    From mediumcrazy:

    watching all the old best pictures!! I love that…what would you recommend from the ones you’ve watched so far? My goal right now is the watch Gone With the Wind which I have shockingly never seen. (That was a best picture winner, right?)

  3. 3

    From Kyla Roma:

    I’m the same way about smoking- I used to smoke and now being around it gives me the creeps. By the time I left Vegas I wanted to throw up a little, that all the casinos still allow smoking….


  4. 4

    From E.P.:

    I worked as a counselor at a Christian camp during the summers of college, too! Funny!

    And Johnny Rockets… it’s been a while since I thought of that place. I still think there’s one in the Nashville mills mall (Opry Mills, I think), and now when I walk past it, I’ll think of you and your experience there…

  5. 5

    From Ed Contrera:

    Hey, I really enjoy the design of your site. What design are you using?

  6. 6

    From kapachino:

    Thank you! My site is completely customized, but it is based around the unstyled theme Starkers.

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