my vision for our house

April 24, 2013

I have a vision for our house. Even though we’ve lived here five years there is still a lot that needs to be done. My vision is to keep things simple but comfortable and inviting. I don’t like a lot of stuff, but I do still lean toward a traditional/eclectic style with a lot of handmade touches. I love neutrals and washed-out colors.

We don’t have much money to spend on our house right now, but we plan to be here a long time so as long as we are making progress it will come together eventually. I am diving into crafts that will help decorate on a budget, and my husband and I have decided that we will try our hands at woodworking together. We will make it happen.

I got the idea from Manda to focus on one small corner/nook/area of the home at a time. Things are much more manageable that way. From here on out I will be giving you before photos, asking for advice, and updating with my progress as I slowly make our house into what I envision it to be.

And now, some inspiration photos! I love all of these and I hope you can get an idea of the style I’m going for from them.

cozy bedroom


indoor plants

dining room

shelves kids room

living room

Posted in: home

Comments on my vision for our house

  1. 1

    From Kim:

    I absolutely love all of these inspiration photos. My goal for our house is for it to look lived in and loved. I want it to be clean and organized, with just a touch of ‘planned clutter.’ If that makes sense. I love the potted plants on the floor and the layered table clothes on the table. Everything has personality and doesn’t look staged. Sometimes I get frustrated because I don’t have money to go out and buy random decor for our home. I love when I find ideas that I can do myself on a budget. I like the idea of focusing on one corner at a time. It does seem more manageable that way.

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    From Sarah:

    Your inspiration photos are beautiful! I love looking at stuff like that, but I feel like I am decorating-impaired when it comes to actually executing a look in my house. So I end up with nothing but empty walls…

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    From lauren w:

    I love those looks! I notice they all have white walls, hmmm…

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    From Nora:

    I love the look of the bathroom with the white wood; we did that in our master bedroom to create a headboard and it makes it feel so bed n’ breakfast-like. We have a lot of work to do: getting more artwork/photos up (ahem, framing them); updating our kitchen and bathrooms, but apart from that the style is getting to more us and that makes me happy! We have spent some time outside lately working on the yard and the aesthetic curb appeal. It’s fun to do little things every once in a while like that. Love the last photo of the living room. that would make me so happy!

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