“Home Is The Nicest Word There Is.”

December 11, 2008

Since David and I got married, we have lived in five different houses. I currently have four different house keys on my keychain, none of which are my own. Our belongings are spread across west Houston and Katy. And then my husband went and had himself hip surgery, for which he must be on crutches for six weeks. All of a sudden his activities of daily living aren’t so easy anymore, and this has been an adjustment for both of us. I think that for any newly married couple this would be difficult, and my personality, which thrives on organization and orderliness, makes it even harder.

After all of this, we finally – FINALLY! – have a home of our own:

We closed on Tuesday, and we are moving in on Monday evening. The sellers are technically leasing the house from us for a few days. David and I keep joking that we should go over there and check on them – make sure they’re treating OUR house right! I know that moving will create its own stress, especially since we have next to no furniture, but we are just so excited and relieved.

Sorry I’ve been gone awhile. My status as a nomad has made updating very difficult. I hope to be back with some regularity once we get settled in our new home.

Posted in: home

Comments on “Home Is The Nicest Word There Is.”

  1. 1

    From nic:

    Kat! The home looks lovely, and I love the big trees! Congratulations!

  2. 2

    From Tabaitha:

    I agree, it looks lovely! What street do you guys live on? Adam’s parents live on Cheddington, and I have a couple of other friends that live in Govenor’s Place too.

  3. 3

    From Ro:

    Beautiful home! Glad to hear you’re finally moving to your own place! :)

  4. 4

    From Katy:

    So excited for you. Gorgeous home. Can’t wait to see most pictures!

  5. 5

    From Erica:


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