Posts About me

Birthday Week Begins

February 1, 2010

Much to my husband’s chagrin, I insist on celebrating my birthday for an entire week every year. The first couple of times he thought it was cute, but when I reminded him of it this year he said, “You’re still doing that??” Yes, yes I am. And it started yesterday. The boy’s not stupid though; he presented me with these first thing this morning: Pretty flowers make me happy. So the basics of birthday week are that I get to indulge in whatever I want all week long without feeling guilty, and I get to choose whatever activities I want for the week and David must comply. Genius, right? I know I’ll probably gain about ten pounds, but it’s so…
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Sincerely Yours

January 22, 2010

Dear Bubba the Truck, Our relationship started out rocky, me being forced to learn to drive your standard transmission at a young age. Since that time, I have been a devoted master to you for nine years. But now you are slowly driving me insane. Do me a favor and dig deep down in your vehicular soul and find the strength to restore your power steering. Because if I’m not worth that to you, it just might be time to say goodbye. With a heavy heart, She of the Seventeen-Point Turn *** Dear Wedding Photographer, I adore you and your photos, I truly do. But it’s been 15 months since our wedding, and still not even a word about when…
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Year In Review: 2009

December 31, 2009

Well, here it is: the last day of another year. Before I launch into my plans for 2010, I want to remember 2009. I got most of my huge life changes out of the way in 2008, and this year has been mostly one of settling in. Still, a lot more happened than I would have thought. January: I went to Angel Fire, NM with a couple of friends for the fifth time. We moved into our new house. My husband was recovering from his first hip surgery. I precepted a new hire at work for the first time. February: I turned 27. That’s enough for one month, right? March: I joined, which completely revolutionized my book reading. We…
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Sing, Sing, Sing

December 20, 2009

Some of you have mentioned that you’d like to hear me sing, so to make that happen I wrangled my brother into recording this video with me. I find his expression hilarious throughout the entire thing. First of all, he is The Silent Man. Secondly, check out his overgrown mustache/weekend beard combo. And finally, you can tell by his eyes that he is super distracted. That might be because I made him do this during the fourth quarter of the Texans game, which was on mute right in front of us. Anyway, this song is called “White Horse” and it’s by my favorite band, Over the Rhine. I don’t do it nearly as well as they do, but I sure…
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Ten (Or Fifteen) On Tuesday

December 15, 2009

Today’s Ten on Tuesday is really Fifteen on Tuesday. That’s cool, I’m flexible. I can adapt. 1. If you could change anything about your physical appearance, what would it be? I don’t like to dwell on this kind of thing too much, but I have to say that I would love to have killer legs. Especially calves, like those of a ballet dancer. I don’t think it’s in the cards for me ever to have legs like that. 2. Is there a habit in others that you find annoying? Smoking is the biggest one. Mainly I’m just passionate about helping people quit because of how terrible it is. But I also can’t stand to be around smoke. 3. What is…
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