Year In Review: 2009

December 31, 2009


Well, here it is: the last day of another year. Before I launch into my plans for 2010, I want to remember 2009. I got most of my huge life changes out of the way in 2008, and this year has been mostly one of settling in. Still, a lot more happened than I would have thought.

January: I went to Angel Fire, NM with a couple of friends for the fifth time. We moved into our new house. My husband was recovering from his first hip surgery. I precepted a new hire at work for the first time.

February: I turned 27. That’s enough for one month, right?

March: I joined, which completely revolutionized my book reading. We had a giant leak in our attic pipes. David had a second hip surgery.

April: I was informed that I was finalist for the best new nurse award. I didn’t win, but it was an honor. I started my list of 101 goals in 1001 days. I was involved in an intensive calling campaign at church. I changed my blog design to what you see now. I became an aunt for the first time when Lucas was born.

May: I decided to train for a triathlon. We had our living room painted and had to live with David’s parents for a week. My hard drive crashed, I freaked out, and spent $100 on recovery software to retrieve some of my files. David went on a business trip to Nashville and I missed him. A lot.

June: The locks and handles to my truck broke, ushering in a new era of annoyance. My house-sitting days came to an end when our good friends Bridget and Dave moved away. I became a charge nurse, against my will. I was a camp nurse for a week.

July: I was floated to another unit at work for the first time. Then our unit flooded and we were at half capacity for a week. Our home air conditioner broke, but we finally got a few rooms in our house looking decent. David and I had our pastor’s kids come spend the night. I decided to delay my triathlon training.

August: I started making an effort to improve my cooking and try new things. I finally got tapped in to the blogging community of girls my age, in my stage of life. I “graduated” from my hospital’s new nurse residency program. David and I went to Austin to spend the weekend with two of my best friends and former roommates.

September: I got my hair cut and colored. I rode in the Tour de Pink. I started a new work schedule which gives me an additional day off.

October: David and I celebrated our first anniversary in San Antonio, where I met a penguin. The very next weekend we visited my best friend in Wichita and attended one of my college’s homecomings. I attended SchipulCon and finally met Lauren and Chelsea.  Our dog Eddie hurt her leg.

November: I participated in and completed NaBloPoMo. I decided I want to eventually become a nurse practitioner. I attended a lovely women’s retreat at my church. I worked on Thanksgiving, but got to come home to a delicious meal at my parents’ house.

December: There was a lot of preparing for Christmas. I worked a lot. And of course, Christmas itself.

It was my first full year to be married and living in my own home – that alone made it an exceptional year. I’m happy with it, and at the same time I’m ready for new beginnings. I think that’s a good way to feel. :) Happy new year, friends!

Posted in: personal, me

Comments on Year In Review: 2009

  1. 1

    From Girl w/the Red Hair:

    I feel the exact same way. I’m happy with 2009 and think it was a great year but I’m ready for all that 2010 has to offer!

    Happy New Year :)

  2. 2

    From Mom:

    I enjoyed your recounting of 2009. When you sum it up like this, it was a really busy year. I pray that 2010 is better (mostly nationally/politically; things are great personally); what I know for sure is that God is already there.

  3. 3

    From Kyla Roma:

    Very sweet- I’m so glad that you had what seems like such a good year! I always find it funny that so much of what we go through just never makes the blog- this is a great fill in the gaps post!

  4. 4

    From Tabaitha Kaye:

    Sounds a like a fabulous year. Here’s to another great year!

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