Christmas Is A-Comin

December 21, 2007

Katy tagged me to complete this Christmas survey, and since I am full of holiday cheer, I would like to share it with you. Also, I tag Tabaitha, Megan/Peter, and Erica to complete it, if they so wish. Without further ado:

1. What kind of tree do you have?
We have about a 3-foot high artificial tree that we take very seriously. It is decorated with a theme of gold and cream colored ornaments, and it took us a good two hours to get it just right. Every time Cleo knocks an ornament off with her tail it is a crisis.

2. What is your favorite Christmas movie?
I think I have to say Home Alone. So hilarious, so classic. It totally reminds me of being a kid.

3. What is your favorite Christmas holiday food?

4. Do you use wrapping paper or gift bags?
Wrapping paper. Gift bags are no fun to open or to look at, and one of my favorite parts of Christmas is wrapping the gifts in pretty paper and seeing all the different shapes and sizes of packages under the tree.

5. Do you have a nativity scene in your house?
Not in our apartment, but my mom has enough at home to make up for that, although I don’t know if she’s actually put them out yet. She also collects nativity ornaments and has enough now to make our tree one giant nativity scene.

6. What is your favorite Christmas song?
“O Come, O Come, Emmanuel” and let me tell you why. Not only is it hauntingly beautiful, but the words really get to me:

O come, O come, Emmanuel,
And ransom captive Israel,
That mourns in lonely exile here
Until the Son of God appear.

Rejoice! Rejoice! Emmanuel shall come to thee, O Israel.

Just as Israel was lost in exile and yearned for the Messiah, we are in exile here on Earth, longing for Him to come again to make things right. I love the hope that this song brings.

Also, no one can sing “O Holy Night” like Celine Dion. It doesn’t matter what I’m doing, when she hits that note at the end, I am compelled to stop everything and experience it.

7. What is the most memorable gift you received as a child?
Probably my first bike. That one made me super happy. Also, my grandmother gave me Jane Austen’s complete novels and the Bronte sisters’ complete novels. I didn’t appreciate them at the time, but I am still reading out of them today.

8. What was the worst gift you ever received?
I love getting gifts and I’m usually happy with most things, but this year at our secret Santa at work I got a Texas Hold ‘Em travel game. First of all, I hate poker. Second of all, it’s not even a good gift for someone who likes it. How are you supposed to bluff against a computer?

9. Most annoying thing about this time of year?
I don’t get annoyed easily, but I will say traffic. I happen to work right next to the biggest mall in the area, which is great for lunch break shopping trips but not great for getting home in the afternoon. Also, there are certain songs that I would gladly never hear again in my life, but that seem to be very popular on the radio and pretty much everywhere I go.

10. Favorite thing about this time of year?
I can’t pick one thing. I love the time off from work or school, shopping, giving gifts, getting gifts, competing in the college bowl game pick ’em with my family, spending time with them, decorating, the excuse to eat lots of chocolate, and the chance to reflect over the past year and to appreciate everything in my life. But especially remembering what I consider to be the greatest miracle – that a holy and awesome God became a human like me.

Posted in: personal, holidays, personal

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