NCLEX Run-down

June 11, 2008

I couldn’t sleep last night. I was in bed at 9:30 p.m. but I just tossed and turned. I guess I finally drifted off eventually, but I was awoken at 3 a.m. by Teak and Riley, who I am pet-sitting, because they had to go outside. Then my alarm went off seemingly ages later at 5 a.m. I was restless, so I got out of bed right away. As I was getting ready I kept thinking, “I can’t believe I’m going to take this test today.” I was so nervous my stomach was doing flips. I can’t remember the last time I was that nervous about anything.

I got to the testing center half an hour early. My car was the only one in the parking lot.

So I went and sat on a bench outside of the building, and just tried to calm myself down mentally.

After a few minutes my friend Lauren walked up, and we talked until it was time to go in the building. We had to wait until exactly 7:30 a.m. before they would let us in the suite. We each took a number, and that was the order we were checked in. I took number 3. I showed them my ID, my authorization to test, signed a signature pad, had my picture taken, and was fingerprinted. I put all of my stuff in a locker, except a sweater that they let me take in. Then I was given a dry erase board and a set of earplugs and was led to a little cubicle. I ran through a tutorial of how the test would be given, and then my first question popped up.

I’m not allowed to talk about the exact questions I got, but I do know that I got 6 questions about pediatrics, 2 about OB, 9 regarding specific drugs, 1 calculation, and 14 “alternate item” questions that were “select all that apply” rather than multiple choice. The rest were mainly a mixture of med-surg, delegation, and teaching questions. I had 75 questions total, the minimum amount. It took me an hour and a half.

My impression? It was hard. REALLY hard. If it were a test in nursing school I would be extremely upset and just know I failed. BUT, the NCLEX is not scored on a percentage; you just have to get more right than wrong. It was very similar to the practice tests I had been taking, and I passed all of those. So, I honestly feel pretty good about it.

The results will be ready for me to view on Friday, but I will be at work. I could check them there, but if I happen to fail that would be extremely embarrassing because everyone in my orientation group will ask me about it. So I’ve decided that I’m going to wait until I get home that evening and I’m with my fiance David to check it. I want to be with him either way it turns out.

I feel exhausted for one, and a little numb to it all. I also feel apprehensive, because I can’t quite relax yet. But it’s nice to have the rest of the day off. After I finished the test I immediately went to get a manicure and pedicure. Then I met David for lunch, and now I’m going to take a short nap before going to meet David again for dinner and a movie.

If you prayed, thank you. I can’t tell you how much it comforted me to think about all the people that were praying for me. Now if you could just pray for two more days until I find out my results, that would be great!

Posted in: personal

Comments on NCLEX Run-down

  1. 1

    From Erica:

    I’m praying for you and your 2 day wait. I know that it will all turn out well in the end, but I understand your nerves. I’ll be going through that soon myself, as I’ll be taking my massage exam for National certification at some point in the near future. I’ve just got to build up enough hours. Glad you rewarded yourself with a pedi and mani, although you know you should just head up here for a massage! :P Love you!

  2. 2

    From Tabaitha Kaye:

    I have been praying for you. I am sure you did very well!

  3. 3

    From SarahThe:

    Hey–thanks! I appreciate your words of encouragement.
    Reading about you taking the NCLEX has me all gittery. I feel a little foolish now for how nervous I am about the NET and HESI :)

    I’m surviving the 6 hours. I have A averages in both classes after 1 test, and though I am one sleepy lady, I am going to make it, I think. It’s all very head-down, keep-moving-forward, eyes-on-the-prize.

    Maybe in August 2010, you’ll be reading this same post from me!

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