liam at one year

January 26, 2015

liam at one year


>weighs 23 pounds, 15 ounces (85th percentile) and is 30.5 inches long (74th percentile). Slowed down on the growth but still a big boy. :)

>just got over yet another sinus infection, this time with eye involvement for fun. Oh the joys of giving a one-year-old eye drops three times a day!

>has been super cuddly lately and is very much a mama’s boy (still).

>is obsessed with this one mole I have on my upper chest and is always trying to pick it up. He doesn’t realize it’s not going anywhere.

>likes to stick his fingers in my ear while he nurses.

>is transitioning away from breastmilk at daycare which means we are nursing a lot more in the evenings and mornings.

>got a haircut! He cried through it and wanted to be held. At first I was so sad because of how different he looked, but now I love it.

>has his two upper teeth coming in; they are clearly visible now. So that makes five teeth.

>waved for the first time a week or so ago, but hasn’t done it since. He also knows how to shake his head “no.” For the most part he is kind of behind on developmental things, but not to the point where I’m worried.

>HATES being put in the car seat. I always feel like I’m strapping him into some torture device.

>hasn’t been sleeping all that well lately.

liam at one year

liam at one year


>took most of last week just to recover from my stomach bug and am finally feeling back to normal.

>was hardly sore at all the next day following my half marathon, which really surprised me. Haven’t run since then either, though.

>have a lot of work to do on my various memory-keeping projects, but I am keeping up with photos which is the hardest part for me. As long as I can do that, I feel confident I can get the albums made.

>am pretty nervous about leaving town for 4 days in March because both kids are super attached right now.

>was really bummed that Liam broke a brand new necklace, but really what was I thinking wearing it around him?

>don’t know if Liam is our last child or not, but I really am enjoying every stage he’s in. Something about having gone through it before and knowing what comes next (the good and bad) is very helpful.

>turn 33 in a week and a half. I’m kind of happy about it because I really like the number 3.

>recently started foregoing all foundation and blush because it was just enhancing my wrinkles in this dry weather. Instead I’m just doing extra moisturizer and I think my face looks better for it, freckles and all.

>am very excited about the two book club books I currently have on deck. I’m also very excited about the awesome weather we are finally having, after a month of no sun. These two things have done wonders for my mood. :)

liam at one year

For reference:

0 months
1 month
2 months
3 months
4 months
5 months
6 months
7 months
8 months
9 months
10 months
11 months

Meredith at one year

Posted in: motherhood, monthly liam, motherhood

Comments on liam at one year

  1. 1

    From rachieannie:

    We had pink eye over the past couple of weeks, and you would have thought I was killing my children when I would try to put eye drops in. I was terrible and didn’t give them nearly enough medicine because it was so hard! Even when Luke was holding them down and all I had to do was pry open their eyelids to put in the drops it was so hard!

    I had a skin tag that grew with each pregnancy that was right in between my breasts. The boys loved playing with it and pulling on it, so I finally had my doctor get rid of it, because it was so painful! And not exactly modest :-)

  2. 2

    From Nora:

    You and David make beautiful kids, in case that helps the decision on #3 at all ;)

    I have never, not once, seen a wrinkle in any of the pictures you’ve posted of yourself. I think you have flawless, gorgeous skin.

    Thanks for sharing these updates with us; feel like I really “know,” your kids as a result!

  3. 3

    From rachieannie:

    Also, congrats on the 1/2 marathon! What an awesome accomplishment!

  4. 4

    From Sarah @ Beauty School Dropout:

    I love it when they get that second set of upper teeth… I think it makes them look like little chipmunks. =)
    I know what you mean about dry weather and wrinkles! I am getting a serious complex about my crows feet.

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