Posts About motherhood

liam is two

January 18, 2016

On Sunday Liam turned two. To celebrate, we took the family to Chuck E. Cheese and the kids had a blast. Of course it was crazy, but I stressed less about this party than any other I’ve ever thrown. All I did was make a cake (in the shape of the easiest ball I could think of). His actual birthday was a regular Sunday, but I did make chocolate chip pancakes and made sure to take him to the park. It was a good day. Liam turning two isn’t too big of a deal, but it does feel momentous in that two is the age where kids really start to seem more like kids and less like babies or even…
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meredith lately

January 11, 2016

I tried to get her to wear something cute for these photos. She resists. Meredith: Mommy, why are you in the bed? Me: because I’m exhausted, you guys have worn me out today. I just want to hide for awhile. Meredith: you want to play hide and seek? Me: no I just want to play hide. Meredith: how do you play hide? Me: I go hide and you two leave me alone for awhile. How about that? Meredith: no. at the dinner table… Meredith: look Mommy! Me: please get your hand out of your milk. Meredith: but I like it there! Me: stop, that’s messy. You’re supposed to be drinking it. Meredith: (a moment later, as the milk drips down…
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they were here / 1

November 5, 2015

I don’t have a lot of time these days to work on the house like I want to, but I do like to keep things neat and tidy. For me it is very true that outer order contributes to inner calm. However, that’s often hard to do when kids are living a full life in the space. We keep their “stuff” to a minimum and I do a daily pick-up of the house which helps, but as long as they are there I will find evidence of them. And actually, I love that. So this photo series is to celebrate the little things around the home that remind me: my kids were here. Current library book on my bedside table….
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getting kids to fall asleep and stay asleep

September 15, 2015

Hey hey, let’s talk about sleep, shall we? Specifically, how to get your kids to fall asleep and stay asleep. Our basic situation was that both kids had been sleeping in our bed since they were born. I went to sleep at the same time as Meredith in our bed, David would take Liam on a drive until he fell asleep, and then he’d bring him to lay with me where Liam would nurse. He would end up nursing multiple times throughout the night, more if he was teething or sick. Half the time David would end up sleeping on the couch if there wasn’t room for him to crawl in. So…we made a strong effort to get Meredith to sleep…
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meredith lately

August 31, 2015

Me: Meredith, what do you want for your birthday? Meredith: ummm…a dinosaur, a vacuum, carpet, grass, and a big ole truck. crying when we had to leave her cousins’ house… David: you don’t have to be sad because when we go home we still have each other to play with. Meredith: (sobbing) I don’t WANNA play with anybody. I wanna go to jail!! while reading to herself in her room and I came in to join her… Meredith: hey, stop looking at me and talking to me! Me: I wasn’t talking. Can’t I be in here with you? Meredith: okay, but if you say anything I’m gonna have to go to another room. while playing in the kiddie pool with…
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