a whole bunch of things i’ve been into lately

April 12, 2018

Alright, get ready. Since the beginning of the year, I have been keeping a list of things I’m into: products, activities I’m enjoying, foods, etc. It’s already getting long so I figured I’d better share before it gets out of hand. This should be a fun post, I hope! Oh, and links below are affiliate or referral links, when available. :)

Agendio planner – First up is my new favorite planner. I could easily devote an entire post to this, but I know I won’t, so here you go. The Agendio is nearly endlessly customizable. I wanted a hybrid between a bullet journal and a planner, so that’s kind of what I created. Be prepared that if you’re interested, you could lose hours to this and suffer decision overload, but it’s worth it!

Trello – Part of the reason I was able to move away from a traditional bullet journal with all its collections of lists was that I started using Trello. It’s an easy, visual, and flexible way to store lists and a great way to manage projects. There is an app and a website that sync flawlessly, and it’s been extremely helpful.

Refrigerator oatmeal – I have been making six mason jars of this each weekend, and it serves as a perfect mid-morning snack that I really look forward to. Hopefully it’s helping my cholesterol go down, too!

Eyeliner – My makeup has always been minimal, as I like a natural look. Recently I saw a photo of a celebrity on a magazine and I loved how natural her makeup was. I studied it, and realized that she had a small amount of eyeliner on the outside half of her upper lids. I tried it, and it’s great! Easy, quick, and adds just enough to my eyes. So far my favorite is this one from Honest, which of course I can’t find available to purchase anywhere now, mostly because I love the smudger on the other end.

Diffusing essential oils – I knew I would love diffusing oils because I love scents, but I never had a good diffuser until I got one for my birthday. Now it’s so easy, and my whole family loves it too!

Felt needlepoint – I think this may be my favorite craft. I’ve made two stockings, an Advent calendar, and a birthday countdown banner. Now I’m making Jesus tree ornaments, and it’s SO FUN.

Moment app – Have you heard of this app for iPhone that tracks your screen time? I installed it awhile ago and have just been using it to observe for awhile. It’s really eye-opening. Eventually I’m going to use it to make some specific goals, but for now I just think it’s really cool.

Fixing up the house – I had a guest come stay in February, and that motivated me to get some things fixed up in the house. I replaced some of the outlets, put up curtains in two rooms, put up a new overhead light in the breakfast room, and got new bedding for the guest room. I want to do more of this!

Apartment Therapy spring cleaning challenge – Along the same lines, I have been getting weirdly excited about spring cleaning due to a 10-day email challenge I signed up for. I have not been executing the challenges yet, but they have really great ideas so I’ve been writing them down. My plan is to tackle one project per weekend. Maybe I’ll finish by the end of the summer. :)

Bookly app – I love goals and measurements, so when I discovered Bookly I was all about it. You add a book, and then time yourself when you read it with the app. It’s so interesting to see how long it actually takes me to read different things. You can also set a reading goal for yourself in minutes, which I think I might do! It has lots of other features too, but so far these are my favorite parts.

Cloth hair ties – My hair is long enough now that I like to braid it, and I am always into ponytails. I finally got myself a package of these hair ties, and I feel like it elevates that look just a little. Plus, they are stretchy and easy on my hair.

Dresses at Loft – I went shopping for an Easter dress, and I looked in so many places, only to be disappointed. But then when I went into Loft, the clouds parted and the sun appeared. I loved everything! I was looking for a more modest dress with sleeves, and I found some great options. (For the record, I chose this one, but in a slightly different color palette.)

Tommy Hilfiger t-shirts from Costco – I bought this $10 t-shirt in white on a whim, and it’s turned out to be what I want to wear every day. I sized up (got a large) and it hangs just right. And it’s not see-through! And it holds up to washing! I think I may buy a few more.

Whew, that’s it for now! Hope you’ve enjoyed, and tell me what you’re loving lately!

Posted in: things i love

Comments on a whole bunch of things i’ve been into lately

  1. 1

    From San:

    I heard of Trello but haven’t looked into it. Thanks for the reminder.

    I think I saw Stephany recommend the Bookly app and I downloaded it to try it out. I keep track of my books in Goodreads, but I love the statistics.
    I have also heard of the Moment app. I actually downloaded it. but haven’t really used it (I think I am afraid of what it will tell me – ha!)

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