buffet, after

October 22, 2013

If you will indulge me for another day with more updates on a corner of my home I would appreciate it. :) I finally put just a little bit of effort into this buffet nook and it makes me much happier now when I pass by.


Recall that this is what the area looked like before. The paint improved things a lot but it still needed a change. Eventually I want to paint over all the green (I crave white walls) but that might not happen for a long time so for now this is good.


This area doesn’t get very good light (I had a fern here once before that died practically the next day) so I bought some fake plants and pots from IKEA and I actually think they look great. The wooden plate is something that we got on our honeymoon in Hawaii and the angel figure was a gift from a patient.


I stacked some magazines with a watering can on top, and then I figure this will be another place where I’ll change the decor with the seasons. For now I put some acorns and a candle in a bowl and set out a couple of mini pumpkins. I am a lazy decorator but I still think it’s cute.


I actually organized the upper and lower cabinets too, but they are nothing special. Up top has all of our vases, and below has games and extra kitchen/decor stuff.


Still looove my woven wall hanging.


Thanks for pretending to care and you may now return to your regularly scheduled week. :) Have a good one!

Posted in: home

Comments on buffet, after

  1. 1

    From Nora:

    I love the IKEA plants; I’ve been looking for something like that for our guest bathroom but we don’t have IKEA here so that makes it tough :)

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    From Margarita:

    Love the AFTER – I took a look at the before and almost heaved. Sorry, but there was just SO much wood, the transformation is awesome! I agree about the Ikea plants, I bought quite a few different ones for my husband’s work office when we first put it together, and they look great.

  3. 3

    From kapachino:

    That’s hilarious – all the wood made me want to heave, too. :) It was the first thing we changed about the house when we moved in!

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    From Melissa:

    Good improvement! :). I too took a peak at the before & was also overwhelmed by all the wood! The white is 1 billion times better!!!!! But oh my, how long did that take to paint?!?!?

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    From kapachino:

    We usually do paint ourselves, but there was soooo much wood, including the kitchen cabinets, that we actually hired the job out. It still took them a week and they’re professionals!

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