thoughts on personal style

April 9, 2014


Soon after Liam was born this chambray button-up shirt went on sale at J.Crew Factory. I had wanted one for ages but it was hard for me to pay a high price for it, and the ones at Target or equivalent weren’t very flattering. With the sale (that is still going on!) it was a good deal, so I bought it and it was the best purchase I’ve made in a long, long time.

This shirt is amazing. It’s not too thin or too thick. It’s loose enough but still flattering to my figure. It’s a neutral so it pretty much goes with everything. I wear it with maxi skirts, jeans, and yoga pants. You could wear it buttoned up or open like a cardigan, or you could layer it under sweaters. You can roll up the sleeves or leave them down. Honestly, I would wear it every single day if I could. I usually wear it a couple times a week at least, and that’s only because it eventually gets spit up on or milk-drooled on.

The arrival of this shirt into my wardrobe sparked a brutal clean-out of my closet. My style has changed over the years but my clothes haven’t. I like looser and longer tops now (probably because of my post-baby pooch). I like to stick to neutrals in most cases. I don’t like to show as much skin as I used to; I’m just more comfortable when sleeves go to my elbows and I like to avoid shorts if at all possible (sometimes in the summer I’m desperate though). Mostly I realized that if I had paid three times the amount for that chambray shirt, it would have been worth it. I am really looking for quality items that fit me and my style.

I don’t have a whole lot to wear now, but it’s kind of freeing. I also don’t expect to be adding much to my wardrobe for a long time because I have $0 to spend on clothes, but I do enjoy pinning images to my style board as I figure out what I like, and I intend to add pieces to my wishlist in hopes of receiving them as gifts one day.

What are your thoughts on your own personal style?

Posted in: style

Comments on thoughts on personal style

  1. 1

    From Nora:

    When it comes to my style:
    * If I find something I like, I’ll buy two (different colors)
    * If I had the money to buy some of the work pants and dresses that I see featured in Vogue (well, mostly their ads) I would totally do it
    * I can’t stand shorts. At all. The last time I wore them was about 5 years ago, post-tonsil surgery (aka I lost a ton of weight) and thought it was ok. Not since then have I touched them.
    * I love jeans and comfy cotton t-shirts, fun necklaces and adorable sandals over dress pants
    * I love a good maxi dress, too

    And that’s probably more than you wanted to know, but now I want to write my own post on style… =)

  2. 2

    From Melissa:

    Chambray shirts are great, especially ones that are of good quality.

    I’m in the same boat…sort of. I’m still pregnant, but WILL be in the same boat afterwards. My wardrobe is in terrible need of an overhaul. Filled with stuff that I haven’t worn in ages. My body has definitely changed after baby and like you I find myself comfortable in different things than I’m used to. I also want to stock up on good quality items – I want everything in my closet to be wearable.

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