
November 7, 2014


Genius: okay, so Meredith still sleeps in bed with us at night. It’s always a struggle to actually get the lights off without screams and cries. The other night I was so tired that I really needed to sleep (aka every night but especially this one) but she NEEDED to change her baby doll’s diaper. We have this handheld light (not exactly a flashlight, more like a camping light) that is actually David’s but she had confiscated to play with. I let her turn it on and I told her to turn it off when she was done and I went to sleep. It totally worked; it gave her the transition she needed. This light is staying on the bedside table now.

Fail: I’ve been so focused on getting Liam clothes that fit him (since he is growing so fast) that I completely overlooked the fact that Meredith’s clothes are all for summer. She is still wearing shorts every day even though it’s getting cool. Need to tap into my hand-me-down network fast!


soaking up all the week in the life album inspiration I can find (like this and this and this)

editing photos to black & white

processing all I learned in this book,

starting this book for book club, and

deciding which book to send for postal book club

finalizing Christmas wish lists

brainstorming gift ideas for my family (I want to finish shopping this month!)

enjoying the rainy weather and the coolness it brings

eating this enchilada soup using this homemade sauce

wondering what other simple beef recipes are out there that I haven’t tried (since that’s David’s favorite meat)

making a two-week meal plan that we can just repeat

running only about twice per week lately; hoping to increase that by a day at least

relieved that most of the people in my life seem to be healthy, finally (and Liam’s asthma is controlled)

Posted in: personal, currently, personal

Comments on currently

  1. 1

    From Sarah @ Beauty School Dropout:

    Please share your meal plan when it’s done — I really want to start using something like that, too. I’m really excited to try the enchilada soup!

    I’m working on Christmas gift ideas too — I love giving gifts, but trying to rein in the spending a bit so we can give more to charity.

  2. 2

    From Nora:

    What size pants is M? I know you told me but I don’t remember. Let me know please =)

    Glad to hear Liam’s asthma is under control. What a relief that must be for you.

    Are beef & bean enchiladas an option for you on the meal planning front? Not sure if you’re still doing Whole30 or if you could adapt it, but i have a quick and easy one that Knight LOVES (he’s all meat, too) and am happy to share. I have it memorized, it’s that easy.

  3. 3

    From Lisa of Lisa's Yarns:

    Here’s a beef recipe recommendation for you. It’s so good. I skip the raisins/cranberries because I think it would be too sweet/too much, though. But it’s one of my go to recipes and it’s delicious and easy!

    I’m brainstorming gifts for my family, too. The kids are easy because I get them all books but my parents are so difficult to shop for, as is my boyfriend.

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