Ten On Tuesday: All About Books

January 19, 2010

rr10tuesdayI can’t resist answering questions related to books!

1. Favorite book(s) when you were a child and why?
The one that stands out most to me is Matilda by Roald Dahl. I read it over and over again until my copy was in shambles. Matilda was reading advanced books at age 4, and I think I wanted to be just like her.

2. First “grown-up” book you remember reading?
One day when I was in middle school I decided to peruse the adult fiction books at the library, and I took home an armful of thrillers in my attempt to be grown up. One of them was Mindbend by Robin Cook. In the opening chapter, a woman starts hemorrhaging during a sexual encounter (if memory serves). I was so disturbed that I put the books in a box, in the corner of my room, and covered them with a blanket. I left them there for months because I was ashamed.

3. Favorite movie that came from a book?
I’m going to go with Chocolat. I’ve never read the book (although I probably should), but I adore the movie.

4. Movie that you loved so much that you WISHED there was a book out so that you could find out more about the movie.
I have never once had that thought. Most of the movies I loved that don’t already come from books don’t lend themselves to book form, but I could see Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon as an amazing read.

5. Worst book you’ve ever read?
I have finally come to a happy place in my life where I can allow myself to stop reading a book if I hate it. The ones I have abandoned include Don Quixote, Crime & Punishment, and One Hundred Years of Solitude. Out of the books I have finished, Big Trouble by Dave Barry was just terrible. I read it because I promised a friend I would, and I cringed the entire time.

6. Book that everyone raves about that you either a) haven’t read and feel slightly dumb for not having read it or b) have tried to read and hated and so feel slightly dumb that everyone is getting something you don’t?
Anything by James Patterson. Apparently people eat his stuff up, but I think that anyone who pumps out ten books a year can’t be writing quality. (Incidentally, he doesn’t even write most of his books, just comes up with outlines.) I refuse to read a single one.

7. If you were forced to choose only 3 books that you could read for the rest of your life, which ones would they be?
The Lord of the Rings, War and Peace, and The Complete Sherlock Holmes. Three nice, long books that I loved.

8. Name one book that you would recommend everyone you know read.
I’m going to name three, so deal with it. A Prayer For Owen Meany by John Irving, Mere Christianity by C.S. Lewis, and Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close by Jonathan Safran Foer.

9. What is your “guilty pleasure” reading?
I don’t read hardly any chick lit or romance novels, which is what I think most girls would consider their “guilty pleasure” reading. When I want something easier to read, I choose something written for young adults. I don’t feel guilty about it though.

10. What book (excepting the Bible or other major document of your religion/faith) has changed your outlook on life the most?
The Weight of Glory by C.S. Lewis changed the way I live my life. Practicing His Presence by Brother Lawrence and Frank Laubach changed the way I experience God.

Posted in: books & reading

Comments on Ten On Tuesday: All About Books

  1. 1

    From Megan:

    Great answers! Your answer to 2 is so poignant and interesting. Thanks for sharing. Chocolat is a great answer to 3. But, of course, I’m so sad about your ranking of Crime and Punishment and One Hundred Years of Solitude. Dostoevsky and Marquez are two of my favorites. Our literary similarities diverge a bit when it comes to fiction, I suppose. Still wanna be friends?

  2. 2

    From Scott:

    So I guess you won’t be asking to borrow Lord of the Rings from Kathleen when the zombie apocalypse happens?

  3. 3

    From kapachino:

    Megan, I really want to give Crime and Punishment a second chance because I love all other Russian literature that I’ve read. Also, I really liked Love In The Time Of Cholera, so it’s not Marquez that I dislike. I just couldn’t get through One Hundred Years Of Solitude.

  4. 4

    From Scott:

    This Ten on Tuesday is right up my alley, but I’m just too lazy to actually put a response together. Oh well.

    Great answers, though!

  5. 5

    From nic:

    Kat, you just made me absolutely GIDDY that you listed Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close as one to recommend. Let’s be friends forever!

    Seriously, wasn’t it perfect? So quirky and emotional and vulnerable and funny and heartbreaking… I’ve made it my rule to read it every Fall, and so I just read it for the second time – every bit as good the second time around. Maybe better.

    (Also – I’ve recommended it to 10 people, and 6 loved it and 4 hated it. I’ve yet to understand what kind of person doesn’t like it, other than they’re just not as awesome as those that do.)

  6. 6

    From kapachino:

    Nicole, first of all I definitely want to be friends forever! :)

    And yes, the book was perfect. I’ve discovered that what makes me love a book is if I love the characters, and this was an excellent example of that. I want to adopt Oskar! I’ve already let Scott borrow it, and recommended it to David. I really DON’T know how anyone couldn’t love it!

  7. 7

    From Scott:

    I have it in hand and will be reading it in the next few weeks. Hope I enjoy it as much as you both have!

  8. 8

    From Walking on Sunshine:

    What a great post!!! :)

  9. 9

    From kay*:

    ah what a great post! i love this and hope you don’t mind if i borrow it for my blog sometime. i love reading so it was great reading your answers.

    just discovered your blog – it’s great reading!

  10. 10

    From Michele:

    Can I still this? Really great stuff. I’d love to add something like this – or at least these questions – to my blog. Anyway, so glad you clued us all in over in Rory’s Goodreads group! I’m excited to keep up, and have this listed on the main page of my blog now! Cheers.

  11. 11

    From Michele:

    I meant “steal.” The perils of multitasking!

  12. 12

    From Nora:

    Chocolat is a great book; I read it last year and LOVED it. I think you would too.

    Ah! Dahl has some great books; I forgot all about him.

    I confess I recently bought a James Patterson book that apparently IS written by him. I’ll let you know how it goes. It’s the first book by him I’ll be reading.

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