Currently In June

June 6, 2011

It’s been a couple of months since I did this series, and I felt like bringing it back!

Current Book(s): I started Home to Woefield by Susan Juby for book club, and then the Infinite Jest challenge began and I’m really just interested in reading that now. But I will persist!

Current Playlist: So I’m really, really bad about discovering new music that I like, but I The Civil Wars not too long ago and now I don’t know what took me so long. I’m a huge fan of male/female duos. And you can get an entire album for free on their website!

Current Shame-Inducing Guilty Pleasure: Carbs. I don’t exactly overeat, but I haven’t been really trying to eat super healthy either.

Current Color: Our nursery walls are light green, and now I’m searching for the perfect curtains. What I want is earthy colors like olive green & brown/tan with some kind of pattern on it. I think that will help keep the room from looking too pastel. So far I’ve found these from Target that I like, but I want to see what they look like in person!

Current Drink: Lately I have transitioned from frappuccinos to iced mochas, mostly because fraps have a lot of extra fluffy stuff in them, although they ARE colder. I can’t make up my mind. Anyway, I need to learn to make mochas at home!

Current Food: I’ve gotten back into my cereal habit, which isn’t good. Cereal just might be my favorite food, but it’s just carbs and sugar. Starting this week I’m going to try and eat it only for dessert every once in awhile instead of every morning for breakfast!

Current Favorite Show: The only show that I’m really keeping up with right now is The Bachelorette. (Have you read my recaps of the first two episodes?) I’m also attempting to watch So You Think You Can Dance for the first time but I can’t judge it yet.

Current Wishlist: I want the next six-ish weeks to go by fast so that I can meet Meredith already! Also, I really, really, really, wish for her to come on time or early because I dread being induced and I don’t want to have to fight my doctor about it.

Current Needs: I need a couple more pairs of scrub pants, but I’m really procrastinating buying them. There really is hardly anything more boring to spend money on.

Current Triumphs: Nothing major, I’m just happy that I’m keeping up with everything in my life right now. Work, baby preparations, church, reading, blogging, family…it can get overwhelming but I’m hanging in there!

Current Bane(s) of my Existence: All my various pregnancy ailments, but especially the persistent chostochondritis (rib inflammation) and carpal tunnel syndrome. Most of my right hand is constantly numb and tingly now and both hands hurt all the time but a lot more in the morning. It’s quite an adjustment!

Current Celebrity Crush: I saw X-Men: First Class this weekend, and it has turned me into a James McAvoy fan. I’ve seen a few movies of his before, but he’s been flying under my radar until now. My list of permanent celebrity crushes is short, so we’ll see if he makes it for the long haul!

Current Indulgence: I don’t know if I ever mentioned it, but I signed up for a membership to Massage Envy awhile ago and have been getting monthly prenatal massages. It’s fantastic. I also recently found a cheap but good nail salon and am going to get regular pedicures because I really can’t do my own toes anymore. A small indulgence but completely worth it!

Current Blessing(s): Even though I’ve experienced one discomfort after another during this pregnancy, there haven’t been any serious complications and Meredith, so far as we know, is completely healthy. I feel so blessed to be pregnant at all!

Current Outfit: I bought some maternity shorts and tank tops from Old Navy this weekend, and I’ve been wearing them constantly.

Current Excitement: My first baby shower is next weekend! I’m looking forward to seeing everyone and stocking up on baby supplies.

Current Link: If you like entertainment, especially TV, check out the rest of the website that I’m contributing to. It’s written by my brother and a friend of his, and they’re very consistent and good!

Happy June!

Posted in: personal, currently, personal

Comments on Currently In June

  1. 1

    From Suburban Sweetheart:

    Carrrrrbs, I WANTS THEM.

  2. 2

    From Marlena:

    I like the curtains a lot, hope they work out. And can’t wait to celebrate Miss Meredith this weekend!

  3. 3

    From Rae:

    I love the Civil Wars. Enjoy the baby shower!

  4. 4

    From rachieannie:

    my hands fell asleep constantly at the end of pregnancy, to the point where all I had to do was grip something (a fork, etc) and they were gone. as soon as that baby came out it stopped doing it. I’m so sorry you have to deal with it for 6 wks, but at least the end is in sight!

    also, yes definitely fight the induction. it’s no fun at all!! I had to for health reasons (pre-eclampsia), and it’s liveable, but I would have preferred to go naturally.

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