Posts Tagged ‘TV

Random Lazy Day

September 23, 2009

Yesterday was awesome. I got eleven hours of sleep and didn’t change out of my PJ’s until around 5:30 p.m. when I decided to get off my bum and go for a run.It was a perfect way to spend the first day of fall, especially considering the weather was cool and rainy. What did I do, you ask? Well, for starters I caught up on lots of blog reading. I coveted a professional design for my own, thought about and rejected paying for one, and instead placed this book on reserve at the library: I ventured further out into the blogging community by browsing the links of people I follow, and added lots of new subscriptions to my Google Reader….
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Positive Self-Talk

March 10, 2009

Or, Things To Be Happy About: 1. We joined Netflix for the sole purpose of catching up with Gossip Girl. Also, I watched the season premiere of Dancing With the Stars last night. David watches both of these shows with me, and actually likes them. 2. My house is clean, even the floors and couches. This is immensely soothing to my nervous system. 3. There is a Yankee Candle burning 24/7 on my mantle. 4. Watching Law & Order today, David spontaneously started singing to me, “Love In The First Degree.” He was inspired.


May 21, 2008

I had a pretty busy/exciting day today. It started out with me going to Methodist to get “processed” for my new job. Basically I filled out a bunch of paperwork and got a physical. Although this in itself wasn’t exciting, the prospect of starting my new job in a week and a half is. THEN, I picked up my wedding dress! It is now in my possession. It needs ALL kinds of alterations, but still! What I will be wearing the day I get married is hanging in my closet! Next I came home and watched the finale of “Dancing with the Stars” that I recorded (yay Kristi!) while working on my computer. After that I went and bought a…
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May 6, 2008

Last night I totally came home and watched Dancing with the Stars, Gossip Girl, AND The Hills. I don’t know what came over me, but I have to say that it was fun. I was watching with my roommate Amanda and her friend Lilly, who is loud and hilarious. Everything is better when you watch it with her. When it was time to watch The Hills, we discovered that something went wrong with the DVR and it failed to capture the sound. We were determined to view the episode, so we turned on the captions. This inevitably led to us acting out the parts in each scene, and we even sang the theme song. I call it TV Karaoke. If…
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Thoughts From the Week

April 25, 2008

There has been a lot I’ve wanted to write about this week, but the reason I haven’t is because it seems I’ve been gone from morning till night every day since Tuesday. And I’m not the type of person who can or will sacrifice sleep for much of anything. Thus, all of my blogging thoughts are swimming around in my head, and if I don’t put them down NOW, they just might be lost forever. So this may seem somewhat unorganized and random, and that’s because it is. I’ll start with the big news in my little family circle, which is that my fiance David’s older brother Chris proposed to his girlfriend Kim on Wednesday evening. We are all so…
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