Positive Self-Talk

March 10, 2009

Or, Things To Be Happy About:

1. We joined Netflix for the sole purpose of catching up with Gossip Girl. Also, I watched the season premiere of Dancing With the Stars last night. David watches both of these shows with me, and actually likes them.

2. My house is clean, even the floors and couches. This is immensely soothing to my nervous system.

3. There is a Yankee Candle burning 24/7 on my mantle.

4. Watching Law & Order today, David spontaneously started singing to me, “Love In The First Degree.” He was inspired.

Posted in: home

Comments on Positive Self-Talk

  1. 1

    From carmen:

    This reminds me of 2 things.
    1. That David didn’t like that horrible Grease reality show.
    2. The time you and Megan and I made long lists of things to be happy about and posted them on the wall of the Deuce.

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