
May 21, 2008

I had a pretty busy/exciting day today. It started out with me going to Methodist to get “processed” for my new job. Basically I filled out a bunch of paperwork and got a physical. Although this in itself wasn’t exciting, the prospect of starting my new job in a week and a half is.

THEN, I picked up my wedding dress! It is now in my possession. It needs ALL kinds of alterations, but still! What I will be wearing the day I get married is hanging in my closet!

Next I came home and watched the finale of “Dancing with the Stars” that I recorded (yay Kristi!) while working on my computer.

After that I went and bought a couple pairs of scrubs, then stopped by the hospital to see my friend Sara who just gave birth to a lovely baby girl yesterday! I’m so proud because she’s just recently gotten into “Gilmore Girls,” I of course lent her all of the seasons that I have on DVD, and she named her daughter Rory! Such a sweet baby.

The visit was short, and so I headed over to help David’s mom with something, got a salad at Wendy’s, then went to my soccer game. I was beginning to have quite a headache at this point, and when I started playing it became much worse. But thank God for ibuprofen, because I gulped down four of them and by halftime I was almost as good as new. And we even won!

And now…I am exhausted. Good night.

Posted in: personal

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