hello again

December 2, 2007

Hi. Yes, it’s me. Thank you to those of you who are still reading this. If you are wondering what I’ve been up to, the answer is: school and work, mainly. If I’m not at school or doing something for school, I’m probably working, because I have no money. Well, now I have a little money, but not much.

OK, I’ve been doing a tiny bit more than that, like spending time with my boyfriend and my family, running, reading, cleaning, and cooking, but mainly it’s been school and work.

So I’ve been thinking about updating here, and earlier today I had a whole list of things to post about. But then I went and bought a ton of supplies to make my Christmas cards, went with my boyfriend and bought a whole ton of groceries, and spent the last hour and a half organizing his refrigerator and pantry, and then cooking chili. So now I am tired, and I am going to relax and watch an episode of The Office.

I’ll be in touch again soon, promise!

Posted in: personal, thoughts

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