Currently In January

January 1, 2010

Here we go, 2010! Treat us right, will you?

Current Book(s): FYI, for those of you who read my posts in an RSS feed reader, I keep the top of my sidebar updated with what I’m currently reading. But if you’re too lazy to click through, right now I’m reading A Reliable Wife by Robert Goolrick for my book club. I’m also listening to Wicked on audiobook in my car.


Current Playlist: I made a playlist of upbeat music for running, but it serves a double purpose of being good to listen to on long drives when I’m trying to stay awake. A sampling:

  • “We Didn’t Start The Fire” by Billy Joel
  • “Marvelous Light” by Christy Nockels
  • “Already Gone” by The Eagles
  • “Crocodile Rock” by Elton John
  • “Hologram” by Katie Herzig
  • “You Never Let Go” by Matt Redman
  • “Somebody More Like You” by Nickel Creek
  • “Wounded” by Third Eye Blind

Current Shame-Inducing Guilty Pleasure: I honestly can’t think of one right now. Good job, self!

Current Drink: Still falling more and more in love with coffee, sadly. I have found that if there is a chance to drink it, I won’t say no.

Coffee Lover

Current Food: I have spent the past five New Year’s Eves with my friends Carmen and Lauren at their parents’ house in Irving. And every year we make these chocolate bars that we named “Eve-ergreen Bars” because we only make them on New Year’s Eve, serve them up at midnight, and they have a layer of green minty icing. They are basically a sort of brownie (made from scratch), mint icing, with a chocolate glaze on top. That glaze is made solely of chocolate chips and butter. Yeah, it’s good.

Current Favorite Show: Still, the only show I’m watching right now is The Office via Netflix. We’re taking a long time, I know. Only one disc left though!

Current Wishlist: For our bank to support It looks like a fantastic program, and I fell in love with it at first viewing. Sadly, our small bank isn’t recognized yet. I’d also love a local friend to exercise with, or to find a good triathlon training club. Among other things.


Current Needs: Some healthy yet tasty recipes, and to really stick to our budget.

Current Triumphs: I stayed awake until midnight last night, and even managed to have a little fun in the process! Oh, and we played the game Wits & Wagers today, and I actually won both rounds. I was really surprised, because it has a lot to do with numbers, which my mind has no concept of. Each time I won because I was so far behind at the end that I threw caution to the wind and bet it all. Miraculously, I chose right and pulled ahead!


Current Bane(s) of my Existence: Dog hair. It’s EVERYWHERE. I love my pups, but seriously wish they didn’t shed so much. If you have dogs and enjoy a clean house, how do you do it?

Current Celebrity Crush: Robert Downey, Jr. This has nothing to do with what kind of person he is, but everything to do with the fact that he is adorable as Sherlock Holmes, one of my favorite all-time characters.

OneSheet (Page 1)

Current Indulgence: I slept until 11 a.m. this morning, and plan to go to bed at my normal time of around 10 p.m. And keep this up all weekend. Ah, sleep; how I love thee.

Current Blessing(s): If you haven’t realized by now, I’m on vacation for five whole days. It feels amazing.

Current Outfit: Right now I am basically living in jeans and sweaters. And these $12 moccosins from Target:


Current Excitement: Making changes in my life starting January 5th, which is the day I get home from vacation. Exercise & health, finances, blogging, and the way I spend my time. I’ll get more into this tomorrow!

Current Mood: So relaxed I don’t even have a concept of time.

Current Link: Mainly been scouring the iTunes app store lately, trying to find the best way to spend a $15 gift card.

Happy January!

Posted in: personal, currently, personal

Comments on Currently In January

  1. 1

    From Erin:

    I hear you on the dog hair! It’s driving me crazy around here.

    How are you enjoying Wicked? I read it ages ago, and I just loved it. Such an intriguing book.

  2. 2

    From Ari:

    Ah Wicked. I saw the musical and LOVED it and ran out and got the book. But I had a hard time getting into it, and then I couldn’t stay with it… and I gave up.

    Does your coffee come like that, with the heart? Cuz if so I’m jealous. I want my coffee to look like that!

    Happy January… and 2010!

  3. 3

    From kapachino:

    Erin and Ari: I like Wicked so far, but I think it’s easier to stick with since I’m listening to it. It’s always hard for me to tell whether I would like a book as much if I was actually reading it.

  4. 4

    From DeMo:

    I wasn’t so into Wicked, but I kept with it just to say that I read it. It did help to have some background from the book before I saw the musical.

    I’ll try to keep the comments short. :)
    Your Eve-ergreen Bars sound delicious.
    Wits & Wagers is fun. I don’t have concept of numbers either, but threw it all in at the end on the question about Friends episodes.

  5. 5

    From Kyla Roma:

    Ooh the dog hair is a hard one. I’ve heard there’s a program called The Furminator that can really help cut down shedding- your puppy salon might offer it?

    Love your re-caps as always!

  6. 6

    From Stephany:

    “You Never Let Go” by Matt Redman is one of my all-time favorite songs.

    I just started using and it is a really good program. It’s a little sucky that you can’t use it because of your bank!

  7. 7

    From Chelsea:

    I’ve heard a lot of buzz about… must mean I should check it out!!

    Love those moccasins!

  8. 8

    From Ashley:

    I’ve been trying to figure out how to spend an iTunes gift card too. The smart thing for me would be to not spend it all at once, but I’m not that patient. I hope you’re enjoying your vacation; it sounds like you are!

  9. 9

    From Nikki:

    After seeing Sherlock Holmes I now also love Robert Downey Jr.! Who knew?! And I have those Target moccasins and they are awesome.

    We use Mint. Well, Robert does. He likes to threaten to have it tally up all my shopping trips. Luckily he hasn’t done that yet! It is cool for seeing how much you actually spend on average at places like the grocery store and for gas – helps to make future budgets. I hope your bank gets with the program!

  10. 10

    From Jenni:

    Hi there – I’ve been reading your blog for a little while (not sure how I came across it, but I think we have some mutual friends… in fact your bro was a roomie of mine one summer while my friend Bonnie was in Europe) Anyways I’ve been doing a few tri’s over the last year and wondering if you came across Houston Racing Triathlon Club. Its like $35/year and has great group training opportunities (all over houston) and great discounts at bike and running stores… anyways worth checking out at… good luck!

  11. 11

    From Tashya:

    I loved Holmes

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