Job Happy

November 11, 2010

It’s been a week, and I love my new job.

I wake up thirty minutes later in the morning (still 5 a.m., but at least I don’t have to see the number 4 anymore), I catch the bus five minutes from my house, and sleep or read on the way in. The building I work in is brand new. I have my own mobile phone while I’m there, with a number specific to me, which is very convenient when waiting on phone calls from doctors and such. The people I work with obviously like each other and I’ve already started to become friends with someone my age. They’ve even started planning their Thanksgiving luncheon; I’m bringing mac and cheese.

I have to be on orientation for a few weeks, so right now my days are fairly slow. Still, it’s exciting to come in each day and see what treatments we’ll be giving. We do a lot of chemo, iron, blood, lab draws, and injections. I get to form a relationship with the patients, but most of them are in pretty good shape since they’re outpatient, so overall it’s not too demanding. The documentation required is SO much less, and I leave every day right on time, instead of being forced to wait for the next shift to come on. It’s fantastic.

Even though I haven’t worked four days in a row (let alone five) in years, I don’t feel overwhelmed at the thought of going back tomorrow. I’m excited to have a whole weekend to look forward to, and then hopefully years of job satisfaction to enjoy.

Posted in: personal

Comments on Job Happy

  1. 1

    From Elizabeth:

    That sounds like such a perfect, healthier fit for you, and I am glad your first week went swimmingly!

  2. 2

    From Amber from Girl with the Red Hair:

    So so so happy for you :-)

  3. 3

    From Katy:

    I’m so glad. Can’t put a price on job satisfaction/not being overwhelmed.

  4. 4

    From MelissaOklahoma:

    Being happy at work is so important! I’m glad you’re making friends with your co-workers! Happy for you! :) (Makes me kind of want a Mon-Fri job – which I’ve had before…)

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    From Tabaitha:

    That is fantastic news! I’m so happy for you and I know it makes life easier when you like going into work.

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    From Marlena:

    So insanely happy for you!

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    From Laura:

    I think I already told you this, but I’m so so so happy for you and your new job! I’m glad you’ve found such a great position and I hope it continues to get even better! Isn’t it great to know exactly when you’ll be going home rather than leaving it in the hands of someone else who may or may not care what you had planned after work?

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