Documenting Life

January 9, 2012

I know I said I don’t have new year’s resolutions this year, but I’m still trying to slowly make changes (as I can handle them, and as the ideas gel in my mind). With Meredith’s arrival my nostalgia has increased tenfold, and my urge to document life has grown exponentially. I know my blogging has suffered lately (I’m working on it), but I’ve also been experimenting with other forms of record-keeping.


I created a site dedicated only to Meredith, and for now it is password-protected because it makes us a little bit nervous to have her out there like that. I try to update it every day with a picture or at least a sentence or two. I think it’s a good place for my family to keep up with her, and it’ll be fun to look back on later, too.


I got the Mom’s One Line A Day 5-year journal for Christmas, and since the first of January I’ve been diligently writing a tiny bit about each day before I go to bed. I love this; it’s so easy, barely takes any time at all, and encompasses almost everything we do.

Smash Book

My mom bought me this little scrapbook which I already love. The pages are pretty and it comes with a pen/glue stick combo and the idea is to just smash everything in, no stress, do it as you go. I’m not positive how I’m going to use this yet, but I’m thinking of making one for every few months and using it for our life as a family as a whole. So far I just put in a little memento from the wedding we went to over the weekend, but I have lots of ideas. If I like how it’s turning out, I’ll share my progress with you.


I’ve also been neglecting Instagram, but I plan to start using it a lot more and printing the pictures with something like Printsagram to add to the Smash book.

Book blogging

Reading has always been a huge part of my life, and it’s still my primary hobby. I’m working on reviving my book blog, and one of the rules I’ve imposed on myself is that I can’t start a new book until I’ve written up the last one. I’m getting better at taking notes while I read, which helps, and I have other ideas for the blog too.

Please tell – how do you document your life?

Posted in: crafty

Comments on Documenting Life

  1. 1

    From LG:

    I keep a journal, but I don’t write in it every day. Sometimes I’ll write for several pages, and other times I’ll just jot down a dream I had or a list of “what’s currently going on” in life. I journal prayers or complaints to God. I’ve taped stuff inside, like quotes I’ve printed out. On the back pages I keep random stuff listed that I want to keep track of, like how many gift certificates I’ve received by redeeming Visa points, how much I weigh on different dates, our goals for the year, or a talley of how much a renovation project has cost.

    I just love my journal! It ain’t pretty but it’s very functional. I generally just use a medium spiral notebook, so I can write in it anywhere and it doesn’t look too “diary-ish” or frilly. :0)

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