around here

September 9, 2013


this bag gets packed several times a day with different stuff, usually swimsuits, socks, and shorts


library books for the win


her shirt matches the pillow


still love these stamps


painting my toenails and getting a Project Life spread done lifted my spirits


all of the stuffed animals and dolls need to be fed


choosing new carpet is kind of hard but very exciting


on a solo Target trip I bought a $6 full-length mirror the better to take Instagram selfies, of course

cross stitch

cross-stitching with 30 Rock 


on a walk to fight the no-nap tantrum


On Friday afternoon as I was wrapping up at work I felt so energized, inspired, and geared up for life in general and the weekend in particular. Then on Saturday morning when Meredith woke me up at 5:30 per usual with whining and neediness and I looked around the house at all the projects I wanted to tackle that I never seem to have time or money for, I found myself getting really down.

Those moods can easily take over, and I was getting really negative quickly so I did some active things to fight it. First I took a shower. I made Meredith get in with me and even though she cried at first (she had already been crying beforehand) by the end of it she was happily playing with the water. Then I painted my toenails, put on makeup, and got dressed in real clothes. Already I felt a lot better. I did the chores, because they really don’t take long and I didn’t want them hanging over my head. Then we both ate a really good breakfast. By the time David got up (Saturday is his day to sleep in) I was back in a decent mood. Meredith went down for an early nap which we both needed and I was able to get a Project Life spread done and in the meantime David picked up a bunch of library holds for me.

Then we did something suuuuper exciting. We went to a flooring store to look into replacing our carpet! We have the worst carpet ever (it’s just in the bedrooms and hallway at least) and our dogs have utterly destroyed it and so even though we’d rather have wood to match the rest of the house, carpet is half the cost so we’re just going to replace it and then keep the dogs out of those rooms from now on. It is going to make a HUGE difference in how all the rooms look and how we feel about our house and having people over. I’m going to have to do a before and after video to really show you. So then David and I talked about other home improvement projects we want to make happen before the baby is born and now I’m just really excited about it. I’m so grateful that we have some money in savings that we can use for this and keep the rest of our (very tight) budget intact.

After that little excursion David took Meredith to get pizza and to my parents’ house to watch football and they were gone for four whole hours! I made a lovely solo trip to Target and then kicked back on the couch, did a bunch of cross-stitching, and watched 30 Rock. It was awesome.

I’m glad Saturday was so productive because not much happened on Sunday other than church stuff. Mere decided not to nap so in order to keep the tantrum away we took a walk in the heat but at least she was happy. I got a little computer time in while David watched football with her on the couch and then we went to our small group and had a lot of laughs.  So the weekend turned out great after all. :)

Posted in: personal, around here, personal

Comments on around here

  1. 1

    From Melanie:

    Sounds like you had a great strategy to beat feeling down! I have those same black flip flops / sandals, they are my favorite!

  2. 2

    From Nora:

    Glad you wound up having a good weekend! Sounds like your Saturday was an awesome one start to finish. I love talking about and working on new projects in and around the house. one of my favorite things to do. We are currently working on our master bath: we updated the mirrors + light fixtures, we are painting it on Friday night and I think Knight is going to add an (inexpensive) white wood trim to the bottom half to make it feel more Cape Cod-ish. I should probably take some pictures and share it, eh? Thank goodness for Home Goods and sales at Lowe’s otherwise no idea when we would have been able to get to this project!

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