Newborn Photoshoot

August 18, 2011

When Meredith was two weeks old, my friend Cio generously offered to come over and take newborn pictures of her. That was such a blessing, because already she looks so different and I want to remember her just as she was!

Two weeks ago her hair was still pretty instead of thinning on the sides, sticking up crazy on top, and mullet-y in the back. She still had her umbilical cord stump. She still fit into newborn diapers. She was perfect, and still is. :)


More pictures here.

Posted in: motherhood

Comments on Newborn Photoshoot

  1. 1

    From Stephany:

    I love your daughter’s hair. I just need to say that. :)

    That first picture is priceless. I love it. She looks like she’s thinking about doing something naughty. ;)

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    From Megan:

    I agree with Stephany. That first picture forced an audible and extended “aw” out of me– and you know what a babyphobe I am. :)

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    From SEL:

    These pictures are presh! Meredith is beautiful!

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    From Tabaitha:

    She is PRECIOUS!

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    From Stefanie:

    She’s beautiful! That hair is awesome! Congratulations!!

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    From Cait:

    She’s adorable! And that HAIR! Swoon.

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    From Holly:

    Meredith has beautiful eyes :) We couldn’t get pictures of Topher with his eyes open until he was a few months old, he was such a sleepyhead!

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    From Suburban Sweetheart:

    These are GORGEOUS! The first is my favorite. She looks so… squishy!

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    From Christine:

    So cute! She is so beautiful! I love how alert she is in the 2nd and 3rd photo!

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    From tillie:

    she is adorable. I really love the photos…but you have something awesome to work with ;)

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