a day in the life of this working mom

November 16, 2011

1:00 AM – Meredith nurses, then back to sleep
5:00 AM – My alarm goes off. Meredith nurses again and I press snooze a few times.
5:27 AM – Time to get out of bed & get ready! Meredith is still sleeping so I get dressed and get breakfast prepared.
5:50 AM  – Get Meredith up and dressed.
6:00 AM – Say goodbye to David and make sure he gets out of bed.
6:07 AM – Leave the house!

6:10 AM – Drop Meredith at daycare and linger for a few minutes.
6:14 AM – Leave daycare and start the drive to work.
6:56 AM – Park at the remote lot and get on the train.7:08 AM – The train drops me off.
7:14 AM – Arrive at work too early to clock in. Put things away in my locker and go get my patient assignment.
7:23 AM – Clock in on the computer and start getting things ready for patients to arrive.
7:45 AM – My first patient arrives.
8:20 AM – Start the infusion & go pump.
8:40 AM – Back at my desk I chart, check work email, and do open enrollment.
9:29 AM – Discharge patient 1.
9:35 AM – Patient 2 arrives.
10:10 AM – Discover one of my patients is in the hospital.
10:18 AM – There is a delay with patient 2 due to order clarification so I start on chart audits.
10:27 AM – My dad visits Meredith at daycare and sends me pictures!   11:05 AM – Infusion started on patient 2.
11:20 AM – Patient 3 arrives.
12:00 PM – Discharge patient 2.
12:15 PM – Patient 4 arrives.
12:37 PM – Start patient 4’s infusion.
1:04 PM – Start patient 3’s infusion (are you confused yet?).
1:05 PM – Pumping again!
1:25 PM – Eat lunch & read2:00 PM – Discharge patient 3. Chart & continue audits.
2:46 PM – Start second infusion on patient 4.
4:00 PM – Pass off the patient to another nurse and pump one last time.
4:13 PM – Clock out!
4:25 PM – Back on the train.
4:35 PM – In my car, headed a different route home due to traffic.5:27 PM – Arrive at daycare to pick Meredith up. Have a conversation with the afternoon worker about her cloth diaper sizes. (The afternoon lady has OPINIONS.)

5:36 PM – Finally home. Do chores to prepare for tomorrow while Meredith sits in her Bumbo.
6:00 PM – Diaper change o’clock.
6:10 PM – I have some cereal for dinner while I nurse Meredith because we’re both starving!
6:25 PM – Do some reading on the couch.
7:00 PM – Go to La Leche League. I bring Meredith and she nurses & sleeps. (On other days during this time I’d either be reading, watching TV, or at a family member’s house for dinner.)
8:10 PM – After the meeting I talk with my friend Sara for awhile.
9:00 PM – Home again. Put the diapers into the wash (oops, forgot about this earlier) & nurse Meredith while David takes my car to get gas.
9:17 PM – Give Meredith a bath.
9:30 PM – Diaper, dress, and nurse Meredith. We’re running behind because of the meeting, so I seriously consider skipping my shower.
9:42 PM – Put the diapers into the dryer, then take a shower (mostly because I knew I was recording this day), and David hangs out with Meredith.
10:00 PM – Blow-dry my hair (hate).
10:17 PM – Get in bed and nurse Meredith to sleep!This was a fairly typical day, except that I’m usually in bed around 8 or 9. It’s manageable, but by Friday I’m certainly ready for the weekend!

Posted in: documenting, day in the life, documenting, motherhood, personal

Comments on a day in the life of this working mom

  1. 1

    From Audrey:

    Wow! Sounds like you’ve got a good routine going! Certainly a long day!!

  2. 2

    From Amber from Girl with the Red Hair:

    That is such a long day! Wow! Go you!

  3. 3

    From Megan:

    I am LOVING her emo/hipster hairdo. She would fit right in here in Nashvegas.

    I should shave the side of my head just to match hers. Also, I should stick out my tongue and drool more.

  4. 4

    From Amanda:

    Oh my goodness that last photo is priceless :) I’m so tired reading that, major props to you!

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    From kapachino:

    I love that picture!! And yes, it IS tiring, I’m usually asleep a few minutes after lying down. :)

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    From Becca:

    Wow, for a girl who loves her sleep as much as you, that is quite a day. I am proud of you for keeping so much going. You are incredible!

  7. 7

    From kapachino:

    It IS kind of exhausting some days, but manageable nonetheless! We sure do love our weekends, though. :) Miss you!

  8. 8

    From steph anne:

    Wow, I’m just exhausted from reading this! I don’t think I could ever do this mainly because I can’t get up at 5:30AM! Way too early for me!!! I applaud you for keeping up with this and still look so happy and beaming with love for Meredith! :)

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