project life 2013 : week 9

March 27, 2013


This spread only encompasses a single week instead of my normal two. After I printed out two weeks’ worth of photos and I looked at my list of things I wanted to include I realized that I would have to cut a whole lot out to combine them so I made the decision to split them up even though it will put me even further behind.


This is the week of February 25 to March 3. The photos are not placed chronologically at all; I usually try to keep them somewhat in order but this time they fit better all mixed up. So this side has photos of the fabric I bought for my quilt, my daily morning coffee and Bible study, and a couple of Instax outtakes that I didn’t end up using for the Book of Lists. I journaled about a casual date that David and I had, along with some random tidbits.


Originally I didn’t intend to include this yellow color (I’m not drawn to the boldness of it) but I like the journaling prompts and so I included a few pops of it.


The left half of the right page is random stuff from the week. The cross stitch project I hung, a picture of Meredith and her cousin Cameron eating at the big table at their grandparents’ house, and the receipt from the piano transport company that delivered my grandmother’s piano back to us. My brother has had it for the past year but it doesn’t fit in their new house so we got it back. I clipped on a photo of Meredith playing on it.


Oh, and the above is no longer a valid address so no worries there. :)

The right half of the right page is dedicated to Meredith’s baptism. There are two family photos, a journaling card, and a QR code that links to the video.


So I’m several spreads behind now, but my vacation is coming up and I intend to get all caught up!

Posted in: crafty, documenting, project life

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