quick takes

August 30, 2013

Still loving the quick takes around here. Soon I’ll get myself together and make a plan for the blog, but it hasn’t happened yet.


Remember the Book of Lists series I was doing and then unceremoniously dropped? I’m resurrecting it now that I feel like a human again. Since this is a long weekend I should be able to get it together for early next week. I think a few people are still kinda sorta playing along but from now on it won’t be so structured. I’ll still aim for the first Monday of the month and I’ll do my best to announce the topic ahead of time, but be ye warned that it may not always happen such. That said, next week’s topic is celebrity crushes and it is a surprisingly hard one for me. I could only think of two! Pretty sure it’s because I don’t have time to watch TV or movies or read magazines. So I’ve been doing some (really difficult) research and I’ve come up with another, but here is where you tell me your crushes so that they can become mine as well. Go.


Quick Meredith update. We’ve had a few screamy nights around here but only one that was truly horrible. We were at church small group and she had an epic meltdown with screams that should only be used in case of torture. I don’t think “being moved from my place at the bottom of the slide so the big kids don’t hit me on the way down” counts, but that’s just me. Anyway it was super embarrassing and we had to leave early, and this continued all the way home and for an hour later, and then David had to run an errand so I got desperate and decided to drive her around till she fell asleep and here is the string of texts I sent him during that time:


Yes I had given her candy to get her to be quiet. I only wish I had thought of it when we were still at church group.


One more thing about Meredith. She got impacted. I felt terrible as I was watching her try to poop because I couldn’t stop laughing. Her face was just too hilarious though. After awhile I could tell she was in pain, and I’m a nurse, so I did what came to mind and took care of it manually. So that’s how my nights have been going this week.


Pregnancy update: not much to report. I have a huge appetite now. Heartburn is becoming more prominent. Peeing a lot more. Next week is our big anatomy scan and I’m getting more and more nervous about it. I have completely irrational fears like there won’t be a baby in there at all, as well as completely morbid fears like it stopped growing awhile ago, and then normal worries about it looking healthy, and then trivial worries about what the sex will be. I know I’m going to be happy either way, but I think I will also be sad either way. So I’m ready to just find out and deal with it.


On the subject of babies, I’m not sure if I’m going to have a shower or not because we have most of the essentials, but I’m trying to think of things that would be nice to have that I didn’t have the first time around, or are helpful with two kids. So far I only have four items on the list, so what would you add? This doesn’t have to be necessary stuff but just stuff you liked.


Lately I’m obsessed with collecting audiobooks from the library to put in my queue. I request them in CD form, upload them to iTunes, then I have a nice selection to choose from depending on my mood. And because I don’t want to steal from the library, I delete them when I’m finished listening. I’ve currently maxed out my library hold allowance requesting the Harry Potter series on audio and almost all of the books on Janssen’s list. It’s so satisfying though. I’m also in the middle of A Storm of Swords by George R.R. Martin and everyone says it’s the best in the series and so far I agree. It makes me so happy to have a book to be obsessed with.


Long weekend ahead!!! Even though we are totally going to pay for it at work when we come back, it’s still worth it. I would love to have a productive weekend so my plans (apart from normal chores and such) include working on Project Life, Book of Lists, and hopefully some cross stitch, a desperately-needed date with David, a family birthday BBQ, and maaaybe some blog planning & writing.

Hey look, I managed to fit in seven takes today! Happy weekend.

Posted in: personal

Comments on quick takes

  1. 1

    From Nora:

    I can certainly write about a celebrity crush or two (or 4). Are we posting next Monday?

    I hope all goes well this week at the doctor. Will be thinking of + praying for you. Hope your long weekend was awesome!

  2. 2

    From kapachino:

    I posted yesterday but feel free to post whenever you want!

    Thanks for the prayers! Sadly my scan got postponed until Sept 16 so I have to wait an extra week and a half to find out what we’re having! Bummer, but not a big deal in the scheme of things. :)

  3. 3

    From Sarah:

    I love the quick takes! Ugh, I’m sorry you’re dealing with the toddler tantrums… not much better at my house. As far as registering for your second baby — well, I was going to tell you to get the Aden + Anais swaddle blankets but you beat me to it. Do you have a joggling stroller? Even if you don’t jog, it’s great for going on walks. How about a new baby carrier? Also I’d say to go ahead and register for some new sippy cups and stuff like that, if Meredith hasn’t started wearing out/chewing up the ones you have already, it will happen soon enough.

  4. 4

    From kapachino:

    Great ideas! We have a jogging stroller but it kind of sucks so I’d love another one. We have an Ergo that I love but maybe I’ll ask for the infant insert. We can definitely use more toddler cups, plates, bowls, etc. Thanks!

  5. 5

    From Sarah:

    I had some more ideas for you!
    Sit n stand stroller
    Robeez no kick socks (the best!)

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