Posts Tagged ‘quick takes

quick takes

May 2, 2014

one The weather in southeast Texas is heating up, and I am beginning to question whether or not I’ll be able to keep up with my running over the summer. The only time I have to run is right after work, and the sun is still out in full force. Thankfully the free gym at work is opening up in June or July and I’ll be able to get most of my fitness in there, but I really am enjoying my runs and would like to keep them up. two We are going to visit the shelter this weekend and possibly get a new dog to be a friend for ours since she seems to be completely calm as long…
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quick takes

April 18, 2014

one I have mentioned a few times that our 13-year-old dog is having panic attacks every day. They started after our other dog died and have only barely  become manageable. She has been on anxiety medication for over a month and we have also been giving her a nightly sedative just so we can sleep, although it is not really supposed to be used that often but life is just unbearable otherwise. And it doesn’t even work all the time. We have tried a thundershirt and a pheromone collar and we take her on long daily walks or runs. The attacks usually happen in the evening and at night when we are home, but this week she had one during…
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quick takes

March 17, 2014

We’re doing quick takes on a Monday today because I have a lot to discuss. Let’s go. one This is my last week of maternity leave. On one hand I can hardly believe it, but it also feels right. What I’m most nervous about is getting myself and two kids ready to go in the mornings and getting to work on time. (What I’m most dreading is being away from Liam for so long and pumping at work, but I know it’ll be okay.) So this week I’m doing a practice run and acting as if I had to work. This morning went smoothly and I was able to wake up in time to do my Bible study and have…
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quick takes

February 28, 2014

one Here’s what I’ve been doing with myself during the days the last couple of weeks: I’m almost completely caught up with Downton Abbey, I finished 30 Rock, made more progress on my autumn sampler, framed another old completed project, and am almost done with a birth cross stitch for Liam (will share both soon). I finished my 2013 Project Life album and have started planning for 2014, I read the book Redeeming Love and am currently working my way through both Joyland by Stephen King and Cold Sassy Tree by Olive Ann Burns. I’m also doing a Bible study with the women at my church even though I can only attend a couple of the meetings, but I am doing the…
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quick takes

February 14, 2014

one This has been a really long and stressful week, and I’m not even working right now. The emotions of losing our dog have gotten to all of us. Monday night after the long day at the vet Meredith had a fever, so she stayed home with me on Tuesday. She was cranky and didn’t nap, so by the end of the day I was in tears exhausted. Wednesday our other dog Eddie had a panic attack that wouldn’t go away so I spent much of the day standing up because if I sat down she wouldn’t stop clawing me and Liam. Yesterday was better but I had a doctor’s appointment so I made the long trek to the medical…
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