Posts About around here

my super exciting day off!

July 10, 2009

That’s actually not sarcasm, my day was super exciting because I didn’t spend it doing errands, chores, or cleaning. Well, that’s not entirely true. I did laundry, the dishes, and finished putting together the chairs that we recently bought for our kitchen table. I also planned to cook dinner, but David decided to go fishing this evening so instead I’m cooking tomorrow night. The bulk of my day was spent with my good friend Sara and her adorable 13-month-old daughter Rory. We went to the skating rink (which looks exactly like you probably remember the skating rink looking when you were a kid, disco ball and everything) for a cheap “Mommy and Me” skate time. Five bucks and I got…
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#46. walk the kemah boardwalk

June 30, 2009

The weekend right before I went to camp David and I were adult sponsors and small group leaders for a Disciple Now event for the youth group in our church. One of the fun things we did with the kids on Saturday was go to Kemah. I was excited because it was one of the items listed on my 101 goals! Really bad picture of the entrance The very first thing we did (before David lost his nerve ;)) was ride Bullet, the wooden roller coaster. And although it was jarring, it was a blast! If I was rich I would have bought the photo that they took of us while we were on the ride. It showed me smiling,…
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aunt kapachino

April 30, 2009

When I heard that my sister-in-law Vanessa was in labor on Tuesday morning, I had a lot of emotions and thoughts. Excitement, fear, nervousness, more excitement. Excitement because hello! New baby in the family! But nervousness and fear because although I love babies and kids, I’m not around them very much so I’m not always sure how to handle them. And there is that unknown quantity of how the family dynamics will change after this. I’m sure it will be great, even better than before, but change is always a little scary. After a night of contractions and a day of labor in the hospital, Lucas Sim Forbes was born on Tuesday evening. It was really nice of him to…
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it’s a beautiful, blustery day

April 2, 2009

and even though I am pet-sitting two 100-pound, neurotic, needy dogs who woke me up no less than FIVE times during the night, and probably will again tonight and for the next seven nights, therefore resigning me to the fact that I will simply be exhausted for the next week, I am still grateful that I have today off, and that my camera works again, and that the day is beautiful despite, or because of, the early morning storm. From my backyard: An adorable birdhouse. A pretty flower. The window sill-chewer herself. How can you not love spring?

today’s successes

March 24, 2009

1. Went to the dentist, and I have clean teeth and no cavities! 2. Bought these sunglasses at my brother’s store, which are really cute and 50% off: 3. Met with our wedding photographer and am this close to finally getting an album ordered. 4. Grocery shopping and laundry: done! 5. Joined thanks to the recommendation of my good friend Sara. It’s great! 6. Had a surprise visit from my father-in-law who brought me Coldstone ice cream, which completely spoiled my dinner but it was worth it. 7. Loved on my husband and my dogs. 8. Preemptive success: going to bed on time! I love my days off.