#46. walk the kemah boardwalk

June 30, 2009

The weekend right before I went to camp David and I were adult sponsors and small group leaders for a Disciple Now event for the youth group in our church. One of the fun things we did with the kids on Saturday was go to Kemah. I was excited because it was one of the items listed on my 101 goals!


Really bad picture of the entrance

The very first thing we did (before David lost his nerve ;)) was ride Bullet, the wooden roller coaster. And although it was jarring, it was a blast! If I was rich I would have bought the photo that they took of us while we were on the ride. It showed me smiling, and David with his eyes about to pop out of his head. I was more than likely smiling because I was watching his expression. :) He actually enjoyed it, though!


Then we spent a bunch of time just wandering around. We realized there wasn’t much to do without money; all it is is shops, rides, and restaurants. But we were with my friend Lauren and another friend from church, Steve, so it was a good time. We challenged Steve to take the test of strength. He was talking a big game and he almost hit the mark!


After awhile we met up with the rest of the adults from the church and had a yummy (free!) dinner at Landry’s. I made sure there was enough time to grab some ice cream. Then we went back to meet up with the crazy teenagers. It was definitely a fun day!


Me and Lauren at the end of the hot day.


One more item down!

Posted in: personal, around here, personal, goals, personal

Comments on #46. walk the kemah boardwalk

  1. 1

    From Julienne:

    Congrats for striking something off your list! It must give you such a feeling of accomplishment!

  2. 2

    From Rae:

    Good job working on your list. I am glad to see that something was fun after all the stuff you’ve been dealing with!

    Also, I replied to your last comment on my blog, but since you might not see it I just wanted to say that I really, really, didn’t intend the post in a way which should make you feel guilty. I don’t want to go projecting my sins onto others (even though I do).

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