The Consequences of Being a Nursing Student

February 27, 2007

I just wanted to keep you all up-to-date on my ongoing toenail saga that began way back in November. For those that are just tuning in, the week of Thanksgiving I was playing in an outdoor soccer game and my right toe encountered some kind of trauma that caused blood to pool up and dry underneath half of the toenail. This was painful for a day, but then it was just unsightly. It promised to be unsightly for another 6-8 months as well, until the toenail grew out.

Then I was so proud of myself when I got a nice pedicure that successfully covered up nearly all traces of the blot. You can’t even tell! Well, anyway, things were going great like this until last night when I began, alas, another outdoor soccer season. It’s not the soccer itself that does a number on my toes, because I’ve been playing indoor these past few months with no problems. It’s those dang cleats that seem to get me.

I noticed last night during the game that my toe was beginning to hurt again, and by the end of the game it was nearly throbbing. Sure enough, when I took off my shoe there was blood on my sock. When I took off my sock I found that the nail had cracked near the bottom of the nailbed and blood was oozing out from underneath.

It’s tough to see here, but the crack is along the bottom. I am confident that someday soon the entire nail will fall off, and when that day comes I will be sure to share with you all of the lovely details. Until then, I am constantly popping ibuprofen to keep away the throbbing pain that such a tiny imperfection gives me. I am also trying to keep myself from developing a phobia of all the ways I could die from this, including infection, septic shock, and gangrene, not to mention amputation. It’s unfortunate that along with learning about how my body works I learn how it can go wrong in a million different ways, because of course every sign and symptom that I discover in myself is now a death sentence.

Posted in: personal, me, personal

Comments on The Consequences of Being a Nursing Student

  1. 1

    From Sara:

    Kat, I’ve had similar luck with both of my big toenails during basketball season in high school. I lost both big toenails, but kept all my toes and even my legs. So don’t worry too much, just do what you can to keep infection at bay. :)
    Hope school is going well, it sounds like you’re really busy! Same here, but this semester has been my favorite so far. I think you’ll like critical care. How cool you have a preceptor so early in your program – that’s the best way to learn all this stuff!
    I’m headed to Mexico over Spring break, for a medical missions trip…less than two weeks away! I’m excited! Come to think of it, I think we catch a connecting flight in Houston to Mexico City on Saturday March 10. I’ll check on that.
    Hope you’re doing well, enjoying your site! Love, Sara

  2. 2

    From Dudley:

    at least you’re going to lose your nail doing something fun like soccer, i lost mine ramming my toe into a grocery cart at a computer store.

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