Thoughts From the Week

April 25, 2008

There has been a lot I’ve wanted to write about this week, but the reason I haven’t is because it seems I’ve been gone from morning till night every day since Tuesday. And I’m not the type of person who can or will sacrifice sleep for much of anything. Thus, all of my blogging thoughts are swimming around in my head, and if I don’t put them down NOW, they just might be lost forever. So this may seem somewhat unorganized and random, and that’s because it is.

I’ll start with the big news in my little family circle, which is that my fiance David’s older brother Chris proposed to his girlfriend Kim on Wednesday evening. We are all so excited that they have made it official! They plan to elope to the west coast in June, and I won’t deny that I am somewhat jealous of that decision as I figure out who gets to stay on our guest list and exactly how many dollars we are going to pay for a photographer. But really, I want the whole shabang and I guess I always have, so I’ll just try to enjoy the process. Anyway, the point is: congratulations, Chris and Kim, I’m so excited to be your sister (in-law)!

Speaking of them, David is currently living in a house that Chris owns, and the four of us have decided that we will all live together there once we’re married. I know that may sound crazy to some people, but we get along great, have already spent a lot of time there together, and it will save us a lot of money for awhile. It does mean that I will have to cut back on the amount of “stuff” that I bring into the marriage (i.e. furniture), and I still don’t know what to do with some things that I can’t get rid of, like all my books. Also, my lease ends in July and for the few months after that until we get married I’ll be moving in with my parents. So I’ll need to be getting rid of my bed, desk, bedside table, and dresser pretty soon.

While we’re on the subject of life-changing events, I picked up my cap and gown the other day. Two weeks until I’m wearing it! My last final exam is on Monday!

I’ve been working a lot lately, and since I am the queen of busy work at the office it tends to get boring. That is why I am forever grateful to David for procuring me a satellite radio. Now I can listen to NPR all day! Just kidding, only about half the day. I admit I do enjoy the occasional E! Channel program. That is how I came to learn all about FHM’s sexiest woman alive list that was just released. I normally wouldn’t comment on this, but I feel obligated because two of the dancers from Dancing with the Stars made the list (Cheryl Burke at no. 40 and Karina Smirnoff at no. 78) but my favorite, Julianne Hough, did not. My roommates and I all totally have a girl crush on her, and I just don’t understand her getting passed over. So here’s to you, Julianne!

And I will leave you with this happy thing: a very short video of my brothers’ puppy’s latest trick:

Posted in: personal

Comments on Thoughts From the Week

  1. 1

    From Megan&Peter:

    That brother of yours does some weird things sometimes.

    But this? This is awesome. We’ve watched it 10 times in a row.

  2. 2

    From Katy:

    Yeah, seriously, hilarious video. Dave=Funny.

  3. 3

    From Kapachino:

    Just want to note that it is, in fact, Barry in the video, although Bentley is technically David’s dog.

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