We Survived Our First Camping Trip

June 21, 2010

Back in January, my husband David received a bunch of awesome camping gear for his birthday. We originally intended the gear to get its first use in the spring when the weather was nice, but then a bunch of terrible things happened to me and I was kind of a wreck for a few months. We had invited some of our siblings along, and this past weekend was the soonest we could get the trip together. Ninety-five degree weather? Who cares! We were going camping.

Cleo wanted to come along, but I had to tell her no.

The Prius was a champ, and we packed her full. Probably overpacked, but we were like first-time parents worrying about every possible little thing. You can never have too many towels or batteries! we said to each other. Turns out that yes, you can. But it didn’t matter.

We chose a shady little spot just a few steps away from the bathrooms and the lake. Prime.

We set up camp and then got busy relaxing.

We played games and cards.

We went on a guided nature hike.

We saw a crazy flying thing.

We cooked yummy food, like my classic hobo meal. Tip: when you’re going to be cooking your meal which is wrapped in foil on the coals of a fire, make sure you a) choose a sturdy brand of foil, and b) double wrap it.

And there were s’mores, of course. I don’t even like graham crackers or marshmallows particularly, but there’s something about a s’more that is irresistible, wouldn’t you agree?

We read, we talked, we swam (at least I did), and of course enjoyed the company. David’s brother Scott, his wife Vanessa, and even my nephew Lucas came along.

He was a little trooper.

My brother David and his girlfriend Maggie came too. Maggie can go ahead and be my personal chef as far as I’m concerned. The food she made for us was practically gourmet.

We survived the heat by staying mostly in the shade, and we made it through the night thanks to some fans we brought along. I don’t think any of us would choose to go camping again in the Texas summer, but it was worth it.

Just watch, one day we’ll either buy an RV and travel the country, or go hard core and hike the Appalachian Trail. Either way, it all started here.

Posted in: personal

Comments on We Survived Our First Camping Trip

  1. 1

    From Emily:

    What a great idea! I would love to go camping with my siblings and neice :) Looks like a great time

  2. 2

    From Bill:

    Can’t beat a good coleman tent.

  3. 3

    From Chelsea:

    1. At least you had shade!
    2. Your bro’s gf’s dress is SO cute!
    3. You’re such a trooper! Did you have an air mattress? I hate camping because I’m s uch a picky sleeper!
    4. Agree, S’mores are Heavenly!
    5. I want to know more about the camp food!

  4. 4

    From kapachino:

    Food! All we cooked with was an electric griddle, a small charcoal grill, and the fire. We had burgers & hot dogs for dinner Friday, pancakes, eggs, & bacon for breakfast Saturday, and for lunch we had the hobos.

    Hobos are ground beef, sliced potatoes, shredded cheese, any veggies, and seasoning (preferably Tony’s) layered and wrapped in foil. Then you cook on the open coals of a fire for 20-30 minutes. Yum.

    For dinner Saturday Maggie had pre-prepared some kebabs with pounded chicken breast, cream cheese, jalapeno, wrapped in bacon. She also had some steak and mushroom kebabs. SO good. Then she made these amazing breakfast taquitos with sausage, potato, eggs, & cheese.

    You can tell we didn’t starve!

  5. 5

    From Krista:

    Smores!!! Yum! I have not been camping in forever!

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    From Nora:

    Looks like a lovely time.
    I must confess, I’ve never been real camping before. I know. insane.
    Your nephew is super adorable!

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    From Emily Jane:

    HOLY CRAP! I want that flying thing!! And I LOVE that first pic of Cleo. How could you say no!! I only tried camping once. And hated it lol. But this does look like a very fun time :)

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    From Amber from Girl with the Red Hair:

    Looks SO FUN! I love camping!!! Sad that the puppy dog couldn’t come along though. Hehe

  9. 9

    From Jessica:

    Oh my gosh Cleo is so cute in that picture. How could you NOT take her along?? Looks like it was fun! I’m not a huge camper but maybe I could try it.

  10. 10

    From Ashley:

    The thing I hate about camping is the part when you have to go to sleep, but you’re reminding me of all of the fun parts. Especially the smores!

  11. 11

    From Kyla Roma:

    It looks like you had a fantastic time! I’m not a huge fan of camping (there are sooo many mosquitoes here!) but that looks like an amazing time.

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