Posts Tagged ‘travel

hill country getaway

November 11, 2013

David and I took a trip to a small town in the Texas Hill Country called Fredericksburg for two nights over the weekend (but didn’t get any photos together – fail). It was to celebrate our fifth anniversary, and our primary objective was to spend time alone and relax. We chose to stay in a private cottage, and we could not have had a better experience. We were pampered, given lots of privacy, ate great food, did a little shopping, talked about Meredith a lot, watched movies, sat in the hot tub, slept in, and basically reconnected. It was so good for us. After a rough drive home (lots of traffic, and I was car sick) we were so happy…
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project life 2012 : week 38 (our kansas trip)

November 19, 2012

This is from October 14 – 20, which was entirely taken up by our road trip to Kansas. I think this week was the easiest to put together because I wanted it to be almost all photos. Since it wasn’t a sightseeing trip – we basically just hung out at our friends’ houses – I didn’t need to journal much. For the date card I used a photo of the typical Kansas landscape outside my friend Ellen’s front window. On this first page I included a few pics of the journey, Ellen & I + our girls, and one of Meredith in motion at a library story hour. The journaling card on this page sums up the whole trip. On…
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on the road

October 15, 2012

Right now we are nine hours into what should normally be a ten hour road trip, but we are turning it into something like twelve or thirteen. All of my strategies for driving this far with a 15-month-old toddler only get me so far as she has decided not to nap any more than usual. It will be good to arrive. We’re spending the week with some of my best friends, meeting babies & showing ours off, visiting my alma mater, and just generally enjoying fall in the Midwest. I am so excited. And so grateful to David for bearing with me. When I come back to real life next Monday the blog will be in full swing again. Thanks…
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Saturday Road Trip

June 26, 2012

On Saturday our little family took a road trip. One of my best friends, Carmen, and her husband Steve are moving from Austin, which is about three hours away from us, to Vermont, and we wanted to be there for her going away party. We decided to drive there and back in one day – it’s easier than packing for an overnight stay. I documented the trip on Instagram (@kapachino) with the hashtag #roadtripday, and here’s how it went: 6 am – Meredith wakes me up and we have breakfast, then I shower and get dressed. 7 am – I start working on chores like laundry, dishes, floors, and a general tidy-up because I don’t want to come home to…
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We Survived Our First Camping Trip

June 21, 2010

Back in January, my husband David received a bunch of awesome camping gear for his birthday. We originally intended the gear to get its first use in the spring when the weather was nice, but then a bunch of terrible things happened to me and I was kind of a wreck for a few months. We had invited some of our siblings along, and this past weekend was the soonest we could get the trip together. Ninety-five degree weather? Who cares! We were going camping. Cleo wanted to come along, but I had to tell her no. The Prius was a champ, and we packed her full. Probably overpacked, but we were like first-time parents worrying about every possible little…
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