Good Things: April

May 1, 2011

In an effort to focus on the positive in life, I decided to take a hint from a fellow blogger and record at least one good thing every day. Here’s my list for April!

1 – Catching up on American Idol with David

2 – Cooking a homemade dinner and dessert for my in-laws

3 – Getting a massage

4 – Visiting Cleo at Mom & Dad’s house

5 – Starting a new Bible study

6 – David bringing me dinner, drawing my bath, and doing the dishes

7 – A big turnout at youth group and a good discussion

8 – Starting four IV’s successfully at work

9 – Getting a lot of painting done in the house

10 – Resting on the couch with David and watching the Masters

11 – My last free, relaxing evening for three weeks

12 – An extremely efficient work day

13 – Childbirth class, especially when David rubbed my back with a raquetball

14 – An unexpected reprieve from responsibilities in the evening

15 – Dinner at my in-laws’ house for my SIL’s birthday

16 – Brunch with Marlena

17 – Bringing Cleo home

18 – Homemade cupcakes at my nephew’s birthday party

19 – Making it through the day (it was a rough one)

20 – David making me laugh during childbirth class

21 – Going to bed early

22 – The end result of our house being thoroughly cleaned and the arrival of my best friend Becca and her family

23 – Playing at the park with Becca’s kids and seeing an old high school friend

24 – Easter dinner with the family

25 – Investigating Babies R Us with Becca and not feeling so overwhelmed afterward

26 – Opening a book for the first time in five days

27 – Starting the third trimester with a good day at work

28 – Playing Apples to Apples with the youth group and NOT getting in a fight with David ;)

29 – Mexican food with my in-laws

30 – A day with my friend Sara doing more baby product research

Posted in: personal

Comments on Good Things: April

  1. 1

    From Lauren:

    Number 28 made me smile. It IS an accomplishment for yall not to argue during game time at youth group! Love it. Love YOU. Can we make plans soon? Wanna see Allo’s play on Saturday?

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    From Emily Jane:

    Yay for life’s blessings :)

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    From laura:

    I love this idea. It’s hard not to be encouraged when you can look back on all the wonderful blessing just in the past month. I’m thinking of doing this for May. Thanks for the inspiration.

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    From Marlena:

    This IS a great idea. I think I’ll give it a shot for May. And I am very happy to be a part of #16.

    P.S. If you want to finish your desk before baby Meredith makes her grand entrance, just let me know. OR if you need / want help with her room too.

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    From Cait:

    This is such a wonderful idea! I usually list some good things in my life on a weekly basis, but I like the idea of one per day.

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    From Nora:

    I love this list! It’s a fabulous idea and i love that you shared it with us.

    Glad Cleo is home and that all is going well for you! Here’s hoping May rocks just as much (oh, and hooray third trimester!) <3

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    From Amber:

    Yay for “great things” lists! Isn’t it wonderful to look back on your month and see what you got to enjoy?

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    From Brittney:

    This is a really cute idea – just a simple, easy way to sort of take a positive stock in the day to day. I might have to nab it! :)

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