Posts Tagged ‘good things

Good Things: August 2012

September 1, 2012

At the end of each day I write down at least one GOOD thing that happened, then I share them all here monthly. *** 1 – Easy day of work 2 – Meredith going to sleep at 7:30 allowing David &me to watch the Olympics together adding our own commentary 3 – Watching Olympic soccer with my parents 4 – Getting chores done early & being able to just relax 5 – Church potluck, making chocolate chip cookie dough, lots of good play time with M, and an unplanned sit down dinner with David 6 – Catching up on all the unread blogs in my reader 7 – Leisurely work day doing injections with one of my favorite coworkers 8 – Playing…
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Good Things: July 2012

August 1, 2012

At the end of each day I write down at least one GOOD thing that happened, then I share them all here monthly. *** 1 – Getting Meredith’s birthday party invitations done with Lauren; visiting my friend Sara 2 – Mom coming to take care of me when I felt sick; resting at my mother-in-law’s houst while she watched M. 3 – Going through lots of borrowed clothes for M. from Sara 4 – Low key day off with lots of relaxed family time 5 – Surprisingly easy work day with time to read at lunch 6 – Relaxing at Mom & Dad’s for dinner 7 – David helping with so many chores; swimming with M in the neighborhood pool…
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Good Things: June 2012

July 5, 2012

At the end of each day I write down at least one GOOD thing that happened, then I share them all here monthly. *** 1 – Two hours to myself at night to read, cross stitch, and watch 30 Rock! 2 – Ran 20 minutes straight without walking and felt great; David won $400 on a scratch-off ticket 3 – A good church experience, spending all day with David, my brother’s niece Stella’s birthday party, & getting a great deal on a new microwave A rare, though blurry, picture of my entire family 4 – Taking a nap after work 5 – Going to Chuck E. Cheese’s with the family – watching my nephews play and Meredith ride the carousel…
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Good Things: May 2012

June 2, 2012

At the end of each day I write down at least one GOOD thing that happened, then I share them all here monthly. *** 1 – Meredith gave us kisses for the first time 2 – Going to bed super early 3 – Pizza at David’s parents’ house 4 – Dinner with Mom & Dad 5 – Perfect productive morning; yummy dinner at Steak ‘N’ Shake with David’s parents 6 – Evening at home with David doing a puzzle 7 – Ice cream social at work; my dog Cleo licking my feet after I went running 8 – Meredith went to sleep super early and my mom came over to hang out just the two of us 9 – My essential oils coming in…
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Good Things: April 2012

May 1, 2012

At the end of each day I write down at least one GOOD thing that happened, then I share them all here monthly. *** 1 – Lots of work on Project Life; getting all caught up on chores with Meredith in the Ergo. 2 – Another day off with a mildly sick Meredith and visiting David at work. 3 – Working a full day plus reading while Meredith napped, taking her for a run, doing chores for the next day, and cooking dinner & sitting down to eat it as a family. Feeling like I’m getting this working mom thing down. 4 – Taking an evening nap with Meredith and totally relaxing. Being nominated for the ICARE award at work. 5…
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