Good Things: April 2012

May 1, 2012

At the end of each day I write down at least one GOOD thing that happened, then I share them all here monthly.


1 – Lots of work on Project Life; getting all caught up on chores with Meredith in the Ergo.

2 – Another day off with a mildly sick Meredith and visiting David at work.

3 – Working a full day plus reading while Meredith napped, taking her for a run, doing chores for the next day, and cooking dinner & sitting down to eat it as a family. Feeling like I’m getting this working mom thing down.

4 – Taking an evening nap with Meredith and totally relaxing. Being nominated for the ICARE award at work.

5 – Nice evening with Meredith crawling & playing by herself while I cooked.

6 – Waking up to a 2-page love note from David.

7 – Spending time with David’s extended family.

8 – Easter with both families; watching Meredith “egg hunt”.

9 – Having so much energy at work since I could drink coffee again.

10 – An evening nap with Meredith.

11 – A long sit-down dinner chatting with David.

12 – Getting a raise.

13 – Making plans with Dad to refinish furniture, hugs from Meredith, and David being so excited about the dinner I cooked.

14 – Unexpected refund check in the mail.

15 – Planning new cross stitch projects, mirror note from David, and dinner with the fam.

16 – Good mail day – a magazine, wedding invite, & mini book.

17 – David bringing home dinner so I could relax after a busy day.

18 – Hugs from Meredith and making her laugh by sucking on her fingers.

19 – Progress planning Meredith’s first birthday party.

20 – Meredith’s reaction to me when I picked her up after work – she cried because I had to go to the bathroom and didn’t pick her up right away.

21 – My friend Sara’s Red Tent gathering – a bunch of women sharing birth stories.

22 – Seeing The Hunger Games with Dad at Alamo Drafthouse theatre.

23 – Off work again with a mildly sick baby.

24 – David taking care of me and Meredith while I was sick with fever.

25 – Another day home, David bringing me my favorite sandwich & treating me to a milkshake, and lots of time spent as a family in the evening.

26 – Coming home to see Meredith sleeping on David’s chest.

27 – Watching Meredith play with her cousin Lucas.

28 – Seeing Meredith play in the kiddie pool and stand up by herself and an afternoon with my dad learning to refinish furniture.

29 – My nephew’s 3rd birthday party with the family.

30 – A good run after not exercising for a week due to being sick.

Posted in: personal

Comments on Good Things: April 2012

  1. 1

    From Becky:

    So many blessings!
    Love to all,

  2. 2

    From Laura T.:

    Wow! What a great month! (besides the sick part)
    Love the picture of Meredith in the baby pool. :)

  3. 3

    From Erin @ The Speckled Palate:

    What a fantastic month for you! Truly, it sounds like it was perfect, through and through, and I’m loving your photos. Congratulations on the award nomination and the raise!

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