Easter Weekend

April 28, 2011

I took a four-day weekend over the Easter holiday because my best friend Becca, her husband Micah, and their kids Eli (2 1/2 years old) and Chloe (16 months old) came into town just to visit us! Becca and I became close in high school playing soccer together, and our friendship was sealed when we both attended Tabor College in Kansas and were even successful roommates.

Although life has worked out well for both of us, I’m constantly sad that it hasn’t worked out for us to live near each other. She stayed in Kansas after college, and I moved back to Texas. We both eventually got married, were each other’s maid of honor, and our husbands get along so well that they actually planned activities for the weekend that didn’t include us, like fishing and visits to Bass Pro.

I can’t tell you what an incredible weekend I had with them.  We didn’t do anything particularly special, just enjoyed each other’s company. It helped that her kids are pretty much the cutest, and SO well-behaved.

We cooked and baked (Eli helped)…

We played in the neighborhood park…

The boys got in a few rounds of Wii Sports…

I practiced with a little girl…

…and based on this picture alone I am determined to give David a boy at some point.

Becca made me this adorable blanket for Meredith, which is just my style and makes me want to learn how to sew…

…and my mom had this sweet little basket waiting for us at church.

We decided to take some pictures while we were still dressed up:

Becca also took me to Babies R Us and we walked up and down every single aisle analyzing the products, and by the end of it the prospect of registering wasn’t so overwhelming anymore. I realized that I really don’t need many of the things on the “must-have” list, and I’m excited now to pick out the things I do want.

Overall we didn’t do anything particularly exciting, but for a full day after they left I kept saying to David over and over, “I’m so sad they’re gone!” We only get to see each other once a year at best. This was the first time we’ve hosted anyone at our house for an extended period of time and the first time we’ve had kids stay with us, and I loved it. It felt more like a home while they were there, and so empty afterward.

The weekend was rejuvenating. I can’t wait to start filling our house with kids starting in less than three months (!), but for now I’m trying to remember to enjoy the quiet, and the time when it’s just me and David.

Posted in: personal, around here, personal

Comments on Easter Weekend

  1. 1

    From Emily Jane:

    Beautiful photos. You look so wonderful! The little basket and the blanket are lovely :)

  2. 2

    From Mindy:

    Oh my, you guys are so cute. The blanket is awesome! You gotta learn how to sew, it’s so therapeutic (when you’re not frustrated at your machine… but that’s another story). Meredith’s Easter basket is adorable, too.

  3. 3

    From Marlena:

    You look so happy, love it! And I really love that blanket. I want to learn how to sew SO bad. I need a sewing machine badly. Unfortunately, it isn’t in the budget. I have dreams of curtains and blankets and all kinds of sew-y goodness.

  4. 4

    From Cait:

    You look so fabulous! I really like the dress you’re wearing in the last few pictures. I’m glad you were able to have a great weekend with your friend and her family. :]

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