quick takes

February 14, 2014


This has been a really long and stressful week, and I’m not even working right now. The emotions of losing our dog have gotten to all of us. Monday night after the long day at the vet Meredith had a fever, so she stayed home with me on Tuesday. She was cranky and didn’t nap, so by the end of the day I was in tears exhausted. Wednesday our other dog Eddie had a panic attack that wouldn’t go away so I spent much of the day standing up because if I sat down she wouldn’t stop clawing me and Liam. Yesterday was better but I had a doctor’s appointment so I made the long trek to the medical center in the middle of the day (found out my blood pressure is still high), then I stopped by my work unit and spent a couple of hours talking which was nice but drained my energy. I am really trying to enjoy today since nothing is going on. Tomorrow and Monday I will have both kids home with me by myself again.


David and I don’t do anything big for Valentine’s Day, but he surprised me with a few treats this morning and it really brightened my day.

vday gifts

Tomorrow we are also planning an at-home movie date, and if I can bring myself to start pumping today we might even get to be completely alone.


Random hobby updates: I finished season 2 of Downton Abbey yesterday and I’m way into it right now. I’m also so close to finishing 30 Rock. I’m halfway through Redeeming Love by Francine Rivers for book club. Liam’s baby book is updated. And the autumn sampler I’m stitching is coming along well:


These were probably my favorite squares to stitch so far.

sampler close

Next week I’m going to start tackling Project Life. I would also like to start planning some updates to the nursery to make it a little less girly. I ordered Liam’s birth announcements, so as soon as they arrive I want to address them and get them sent.


I have a bunch of other things on my mind that I am working through in my personal life and can’t update on yet, or am planning to blog about soon. Stuff like Bible study, my job, my personal style as I transition out of maternity clothes, the diaper situation, natural health & beauty products, photo printing, how to fit exercise back into my life, and eating well – for starters. As you can see, I have a lot of time to think lately and my mind has been busy. So look for some of that in the future.


What would this be without a baby picture? My littlest Valentine and I wish you a happy weekend.

little valentine

He’s totally looking at me with love and not just hunger, right?

Posted in: personal

Comments on quick takes

  1. 1

    From Jen:

    Kathleen – he is seriously gorgeous! <3

  2. 2

    From Sarah:

    do you have any SAHM friends with kids Meredith can play with? I know getting out with two kids is tough, but a friend to occupy her for a while will give you a nice break on those days that you’re by yourself with the kids.

  3. 3

    From Melanie:

    You’ve gotten a lot done! The sampler looks great. I thought Redeeming Love was a pretty heavy read, I am interested to hear your thoughts.
    Days can get long with the kids at times. Sometimes I get something messy like play do out, to occupy them for awhile, even if it means a mess to clean up later. :)
    Liam is adorable!

    You can do this!

  4. 4

    From Holly:

    I’m sorry about your dog :(

    When Ellie was a newborn and I needed to occupy Topher for awhile, I let him paint in the tub. He loved it, and the mess was more or less contained. When I ran water to wash him off, he even enjoyed using a cloth to wash the paint off the walls! Play doh was also a big hit :)

  5. 5

    From Nora:

    Love that your husband surprised you with a few little gifties. It’s amazing how those things can brighten one’s day :)

    And the last photo? Adorable.

    Hope this week treats you more kindly. You deserve it! xo

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