all the updates

November 3, 2017

Hey, so the last time I posted was almost two months ago, and I was super duper depressed. While I can’t promise that I’ll be back to regular posting, I do have an update today! Linking up with Kelly

1 – I can now say for sure that anti-depressants are one of the best modern inventions. I’m so happy most of the time! I like to think that some of that is due to all the work I’ve been doing on myself in recovery, but even if it’s all because of the meds I’m okay with that. It’s working, hence having more energy to write to you now.

2 – RCIA is in full swing! (If you don’t remember, RCIA is the process by which an adult joins the Catholic Church.) We meet on Thursdays from 7-9 p.m. In a few weeks we will go through the Rite of Acceptance when we officially become Candidates. So far, I have enjoyed getting to know the people in my group (there are about twenty of us) and I have learned a few things. Mostly, it is a review for me since I have a lot of Bible knowledge and I did extensive research on Catholicism before deciding to convert. I do look forward to the first Rite because after that I think we will get into more Catholic-specific topics. We will also begin doing Bible study during mass together.

3 – Big news: My husband has decided to join RCIA with me! I hoped, but didn’t really think or expect, that this would happen. He went through a hard time for a few months, had some relapses, and made the decision that becoming Catholic would be good for him. Of course, I think so too! He has come to two sessions so far and they have definitely livened up since he joined. :) Having my husband be on board with Catholicism is a dream come true. We attended mass as a family for the first time last week and I was SO happy. I feel like so many aspects of the faith are open to me now, especially when it comes to the domestic church.

4 – We are also attending our Protestant church small group each Tuesday and just made the decision to hire a regular babysitter for that instead of asking family. We already ask family to babysit on Saturday mornings and Thursday nights and anytime we want to go on a date, so this feels like a good thing to do. It was awkward for me because I have literally never hired a babysitter before but we found a great one and I’m excited to have her!

5 – The kids are at super fun ages right now. I am mostly really enjoying them. Meredith started sleeping in her own bed, entirely on her own. I’m still working on Liam with that one! Meredith and I fight over doing her homework, but that is probably the hardest part of parenting right now, that and just finding time for myself, so I’ll take it. We have been doing some really fun family things like going to a pumpkin patch, birthday parties, trick-or-treating in the rain, visiting lots of parks, etc.

6 – I am excited about a few things starting soon. First, Advent! It is probably my favorite season. I feel like I have finally figured out how to celebrate it in a meaningful way for us. This year I am especially excited to do the Blessed Is She Advent study journal. With Advent begins the next liturgical year, and I can’t wait to start using the Every Sacred Sunday mass journal as well! Also, I am excited for the new year. I purchased the 2018 Power Sheets and I am really looking forward to using them to set goals for myself. After being in survival mode for a year and a half, I want to make next year a good one and I am at my best when I am goal-setting.

7 – Next week I am going to do a little project here, which will be to document a week in my life. I used to do a lot of scrapbooking, but have cut back more and more with my memory keeping and currently I just use Chatbooks. (Which I LOVE. <—Referral link there.) However, for several years I did a week in the life project and made albums, and they really give a great overview of our lives. It’s a tradition I’d like to continue, so I’m reviving it. I don’t know if I’ll get it made into a physical album, but at least I’ll have it here. So stay tuned for that if you are curious about my day-to-day!

Posted in: personal

Comments on all the updates

  1. 1

    From Ingrid:

    Happy for you about the decision of your husband. It is so wonderfull to be one in faith with the famil

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