quick takes

October 25, 2013

I don’t know how “quick” this will be today as I seem to have a lot on my mind but here we go. (Check out more quick takes here.)


This week has been super busy and work has been tough and I know this is true because I have been almost completely absent on social media, and also I have been eating horribly. I mean I don’t usually eat great  but this week has been particularly bad. I guess I’m okay for breakfast and lunch, but then I’ve been snacking so much in the afternoons and dinner has just been fast food  or nothing (mostly because of time constraints and lack of planning). Anyway, I feel gross and this weekend I am definitely getting back to meal planning.


Can someone explain to me how my baby turned into a real child with actual opinions? She doesn’t want to wear that shirt, she wants to wear the shirt with the “balls” (polka dots). She doesn’t want to put on her “boops” (boots) until we get to school. She doesn’t want to wear her “jackee” (jacket), she wants to hold it. She wants to color sitting on the ground, not at the table. She does NOT want you to even THINK about brushing her hair. And no no no – don’t look at her while she’s dancing, why would you do that?

Also, here is a new favorite pastime, “feeding” the dogs:

feeding dogs

Usually the food ends up all over the living room. It’s a tradeoff on whether or not I’ll let her do this. I can’t stand the mess, but sometimes it’s worth it to get a few minutes of quiet time.


So I am still thinking about and making plans for the Christmas holidays even though it’s not even Halloween yet. Right now my thinking and planning is revolving around what format I want to do my December mini album. I did this for the first time last year following Ali Edwards‘ daily templates, and I loved the finished product but I did not like doing daily updates. This year I know for sure that I want to do a minibook but just fill it as I go, but I can’t decide whether I want to stick with a 4×6 chipboard album that I put together myself (like last year) or whether I want to try something like the Studio Calico handbook that is kind of like a mini Project Life. I’m just not sure if that will be overkill, but it might be easier to keep up with.


Speaking of Halloween, last weekend I was in a kids’ consignment store picking up some shoes for Meredith and I saw a ladybug costume and it took me about 5 seconds to snatch it. It’s a size 3T and I haven’t tried it on her yet, but I don’t think it’ll be a problem and I know it’s going to be super cute.


Stocking update (the left is what I’ve done, the right is what it should eventually look like):

stocking progress

All of Santa is done! Well, except for his floating left mitten. Right now I’m focusing on getting all the rest of the pieces embroidered and sequined and then I’m going to put them on in order. It’s going really well and I think it will be done in time.


I am slowly working my way through the Game of Thrones series (I know it’s not really called that, but that’s what everyone thinks of it as, and I can’t keep the rest of the names straight). It’s taking me forever because it’s super long and I read other books in between. Anyway, right now I’m in book 3 which is most people’s favorite and it’s really good, but I sure wish my favorite characters would quit being killed off.


I am just so glad it’s Friday. This morning I had a new tube of mascara, I stopped at Starbucks for breakfast to treat myself, and I listened to an entire Nickel Creek album on my way to work which was so nice. Tomorrow morning I’m going on a hike with the ladies at church and then hopefully having a nice quiet weekend after that full of family time and crafting.

Posted in: personal

Comments on quick takes

  1. 1

    From Mom:

    Your “quick takes” are my favorite kind of post. The stocking is looking beautiful! And Meredith “feeding the dogs” is precious (as is just about everything else she does). Hope you have a wonderful week!

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