silencing the enemy

January 21, 2009

Psalm 8:2 – “…You have ordained praise because of your enemies, to silence the foe and the avenger…”


For my mother’s birthday, which was yesterday, my brother and I gave her a gift that she’s been asking for since last year. We recorded a simple 6-song CD of worship songs for her. I sang, and my brother played guitar and sang a little. It was done in the course of an afternoon and evening in a makeshift studio in his roommate’s closet. When I listen to it now, I can think of a million things that we could do to make it sound better. But when I gave it to her yesterday and we started listening, her eyes filled with tears and she said that we couldn’t have done anything better for her. Even now that I’m grown, it’s still so nice to see evidence of my mother’s love and pride in me. I’m happy with the gift because she was.


Last night was the second week in Beth Moore’s newest Bible study. I felt blessed to attend with all the beautiful women in my family, minus my sister-in-law Kim, who was missed. What a wonderful experience to join hands with thousands of women as we prayed a powerful prayer for our new president. May our president know the fear of the Lord, and when he comes to a time of crisis and the whole nation is looking to him, may it be as the prophet Isaiah said: “Your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying, ‘This is the way; walk in it.'” (ch. 30 v. 21)


At home before I went to sleep, as my husband tucked me in, our girls Eddie and Cleo hopped up to join the fun. With the love of my life on one side of me, and our smiling puppies licking our faces, I couldn’t have been happier.


Praise God for the beautiful moments of life. Praise Him that as long as we praise, no matter how timidly, our enemy cannot open his mouth!

Posted in: faith

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