I’ve always been an active person, but throughout my life my main form of exercise has been playing soccer. Even after I graduated from college I continued to play on adult leagues, indoor and outdoor. But the games are either late on week nights or on Sunday mornings. I can’t stay up late anymore because of work, and I won’t miss church to play soccer. So this past year has marked the first time in my life that I haven’t played, and I am in significantly worse shape now because of it.
Even though soccer involves a LOT of running, I’m just not a runner. I tried to be for awhile, and at times I do enjoy it. But I’d rather do other forms of exercise, like bike riding or even weight lifting. But one thing I’ve discovered that I love to do is yoga.
A friend of mine introduced me to this yoga video (back when it was on VHS) in college, and I immediately liked it. I eventually bought it for myself, years later, on DVD this time. Lately it seems that it’s the only kind of exercise I can get myself to do.
I like it because it’s only about 40 minutes long, and I can do it no matter what the weather is like. It’s not too strenuous, but afterwards I can tell that I’ve done something. It works my entire body, and includes strength-building with stretching. It’s fun, and you get to hear Sarah Ivanhoe mispronounce the word “forward” and say things like, “the light in me salutes the light in you.”
I’m still not in great shape at the moment, but David and I have once again told each other that we’re going to start being healthier AND save money at the same time. Ambitious, right? Do any of you have a favorite exercise video or routine? How do you get yourself to be active?
From Erika:
I love doing yoga to stay in shape but I like to change up every so often with Tai Chi and do some “moving meditation”.