Need Paint Color Advice Quick!

May 22, 2009

Here is a sneak peek of what the new painting looks like in our house. These pictures were taken with my iPhone because I don’t know how to upload pictures onto my husband’s computer with my camera just yet.

Here is the breakfast room before:


Here it is after the wood paneling was painted:


The light fixture and the blinds will be gone soon. This color scheme is carried throughout the living room and the kitchen cabinets are now white. I’m showing you this picture now because I have the weekend off, and I’ve recruited some willing and able volunteers (by the name of Dad and Mom), and I really want to get the walls painted (the part above the white/green paneling. It’s only in this room and a small amount in the kitchen.

My question is: what color? So far I’m thinking either white or a more tan/brown neutral. The fireplace in our living room is a creamy tan brick, our couches are beige, and we will have espresso furniture whenever it comes in.

If you have any ideas or an opinion at all, please let me know now! I want to buy paint tonight or tomorrow morning.

Not my best post here, but I’m in a hurry – gotta get to work! Kthxbye.

Posted in: home

Comments on Need Paint Color Advice Quick!

  1. 1

    From Brandon:

    Safe option: That green you have looks kinda yellow-green. If so, you could go with a pale yellow and get some white curtains. You should look into some think white foax wooden blinds.

    Or: You could go with a warm red-violet and red curtains.

    Looks like fun! Enjoy!

  2. 2

    From sarahthe:

    white! a crisp white would be really refreshing against those green places in the paneling! it would produce a very open, beachy feel, especially with the creme brick in the living room. you could even get a white that had the slightest green tint to it, if you wanted to incorporate the green in the squares. but i vote white!

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    From Christine:

    I kind of like the tan idea – white would be nice, too, if you like white walls. If you’re not, you might get a bit overwhelmed. Good luck deciding!

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    From Nikki:

    According to Behr, here are some color schemes that would work:
    1) Creamy family: Belvedere Cream, Parmesan, and/or Powdered Snow
    2) Purply family: Purple Statice, Foxgloves, and/or White Fur
    3) Red family: Briquette, Velveteen Crush, and/or Bleached Shell
    4) Blue family: Royal Breeze, River Valley, Waterfill Mist

    Those are all Behr color names. The cream ones and the blues I liked the best – the blues were really pretty if you’re ready to commit to that much color, but the creams were nice and neutral and easy to match with room decor.

    The green is so nice, I love it, I also want a green dining room. The paint looks great, I’m happy for you that it’s almost done!!

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    From Rae:

    First of all, I really like what you’ve done so far. I thought that your “before” picture didn’t look that bad, but the after picture clearly shows the work is worth it.

    As for a color… it seems like that much white could be quite a lot. I guess that it depends upon what (if anything) you are putting on your walls, but I’m inclined to go with the tan.

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    From Julienne:

    I can’t believe I missed commenting on this one! Stupid lack of internet on weekends! My first thought was TAN, but then someone mentioned the red with violet undertones and I thought YES! Although that is a lot of colour!

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