Meet Our Furniture

June 16, 2009

Hello. Let me introduce you to the furniture in our home. Don’t worry, it won’t take very long. 

First up we have our bed: 


If I weren’t already married to David I think I would marry this mattress. It is the single most expensive thing in our house but worth every penny. We will have this baby for the rest of our lives. Obviously it needs some dressing up. I’m thinking an upholstered headboard, a bench at the foot, some regular nightstands instead of TV trays, painting the chair rail white, and something on those blank walls.

Next we meet our one and only dresser, which stands across from the foot of the bed:


It’s a good thing we have decent closet space, because there’s not much room in this solid wood chest. This was David’s before we got married. It’s very well made, but not too pretty. I’m not sure what will become of it. We don’t really use that TV on top, it’s just there because that’s where the cable line is. (Although there was that one time I discovered that if I watched the results of Dancing With the Stars on this TV, I could get ready for bed at the same time! I was so pumped. Don’t those cable networks realize that people start getting tired after 8 p.m.? Sheesh.)

Let’s move back to the front of the house now. You’ve already seen my grandmother’s piano:


And here’s the bookshelf in the same room:


This will be a great room…eventually. The red is too bold for my taste, there is no lighting, and the bookshelves are cluttered and unorganized, for starters.

Heading back into the living room, we have David’s beloved recliner:


I think he loves this chair like I love our bed. That is why, although I don’t particularly care for the look, it will remain in our living room indefinitely. Sigh…the things we sacrifice for love! (Although I must admit that he has completely sacrificed his opinions on our home decor to me. Such a sweetie!) 

Here are our loveseat, chair, and ottoman, which really aren’t ours at all:


We are “borrowing” them from David’s brother Chris and his wife Kim. They don’t need them at the moment, and we LOVE them. See how we’re taking such good care of them, Kim? How nice they look in our living room? How without them we would only have a single recliner, or be forced to pay lots of money for another good sofa? See how you should just let us keep them forever??

Anyway, next we have our main TV, which is currently perched upon some sort of desk that we are borrowing from David’s parents:


I can’t wait to get that area set up with a proper TV stand. We might just have to “forget” to give back the desk though, which is actually quite nice. Hmm, I see a pattern forming…

And now I’d like to introduce you to the newest member of our furniture family:


Yes, we FINALLY have a table!!!!!!!! Every one of those exclamation points is warranted. You have no idea how I have longed for this day. Six months of eating meals on the couch in my lap has really gotten old! 


My mom and I found this table at an antique store last week for only $250. It was the first thing I laid my eyes upon, and I had a feeling I’d be taking it home. But we still browsed the entire day, just to be sure, before returning to snatch it up. I think it’s adorable. Pay no attention to the chairs in this picture, however. They’re just on temporary loan from my parents until we buy our own. I’m thinking white, maybe two sets of mismatching yet coordinating pairs? Not sure what style yet, though. What do you think?

Well that’s it, folks. You have just viewed our entire furniture collection, minus our guest bed which is really boring. In fact, most of the time I forget that room is even there. Our house is pretty much a blank slate, and I’m loving the challenge of filling it up and making it pretty. :)

Posted in: home

Comments on Meet Our Furniture

  1. 1

    From Rae:

    I love your style of “introductions.” The bench at the foot of the bed sounds lovely, your bookshelves are fabulous (even if you hate the room), chair compromise is always good, and the table is so perfect for what you’ve described as your goal with the chairs from a previous post. Looking forward to seeing how your house keeps coming together.

  2. 2

    From DeMo:

    Thanks for sharing! I think your bookshelves would look cool with your books organized by color, if you have some time to spend on sorting them, and if you’re not anal about how your books are organized. I wish I had that many books to sort by color. :)

  3. 3

    From Kathleen:

    Sorting books by color is a great idea, but I am kind of anal about how they’re organized so I’ll have to think about it! I usually have them set up by subject/genre.

  4. 4

    From Christine:

    That table is so lovely – lucky you for finding it!

    I also like the idea of a bench at the foot of your bed or maybe a chest? I guess you’re in Texas so you don’t really have to worry about the cold but a chest is a great place to put blankets.

  5. 5

    From Julienne:

    I’m with DeMo, I’m actually sorting books by colour! Haha. I love the table, it looks so great. I know I was looking for chairs and I fell in love with chairs from Pottery Barn but just couldn’t justify the price. Then I found VERY similar ones at Target – just an idea for you!

    And I’d want to keep the couch too, it’s very nice!

  6. 6

    From Kathleen:

    So do you have a link to the Target chairs? I’d love to see them!

  7. 7

    From Lauren:

    I love mismatched but coordinated things, so I’m all about that idea for your chairs. My biggest suggestion for home decorating is focus on one room at a time. Otherwise you just end up with random things and nothing looks tied together.

  8. 8

    From Carmen:

    I agree that the bookshelves are fabulous. You’re house rocks!

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