Ode to a Second Home

June 7, 2009


This is the home of my good friends Bridget and Dave. They are the ones I have been house-sitting for since 2006. They take lots of vacations, so I’ve spent a whole lot of time there. It’s a place that makes you feel immediately comfortable, and I love so many things about it that it became my inspiration when we were looking to buy a house of our own. I’m happy to say I think we actually ended up with one quite similar!

Anyway, Bridget and Dave are moving this week, and I am very sad about this. Of course it’s mostly because I have to say goodbye to them (and their dogs Teak and Riley, who were the real reasons for my house-sitting), but I’m also really going to miss their house. David and I have spent a lot of quality time there, and have had some important conversations under its roof. I was staying in this house when I graduated nursing school and took the NCLEX. I’ve had lazy, relaxing days there and sleepless, stormy nights. It really has been a second home.

Let’s take a tour through their cute little house, so I can always remember it.


This is what you see when you walk inside the front door. Yes, you will probably see the backsides of doggies Riley and Teak as well as that gorgeous grandfather clock.


They call their house “Wild Peacock Bed & Breakfast” because there actually ARE wild peacocks that live in the trees around their neighborhood! You can see them wandering the streets and hear their squawks quite often. Here are some peacock feathers that they collected and added to the decor of their home.


The main living room where I spent most of my time. I love how the walls are painted wood paneling. Those fans are amazingly powerful, by the way. We bought one for our living room but had to return it when we realized we couldn’t add a light attachment.


Another view of the fireplace. I’m thinking of painting the brick around our fireplace white too, because I like this so much!


The other side of the living room. Comfy couch, built-in wall of bookshelves, leads right into the kitchen, so lovely!


This plate always sits on the bar in between the living room and kitchen, and Bridget updates the saying on it as the seasons change. I think I might like to have something similar.


A cute little breakfast room that always had fresh flowers when I was there. And all of those pictures on the wall were taken by Dave.


I love an all white kitchen, especially with the bamboo accents. Makes that pretty orchid really stand out!



Just for posterity’s sake, here is the guest room where I slept so many nights.


And let’s not forget the lovely patio! I want to put pretty cobblestone like this down on ours so bad, but that project will have to wait until we actually get some furniture!

Their house wasn’t on the market for two days before they got an offer! I’m jealous of whoever gets to move in. But it won’t come with these guys:


Two of the cutest (and neediest) doggies around! I sure will miss it there.

Pictures of my own house coming soon!

Posted in: home

Comments on Ode to a Second Home

  1. 1

    From DeMo:

    The things I love:
    The yard is so green!
    The built-in bookshelves.
    The picture collage on the wall.
    The orchid in the kitchen! I want one of my own.

    Didn’t plan to do that stair step thing with my things I love, but it looks pretty cool. So sad that they’re leaving, but you can kind of make their house live on through your own. I like it!

  2. 2

    From Mom:

    I’m so glad you did this! I must admit, reading through it brought tears to my eyes at the prospect of Dave and Bridget leaving. Pictures of Teak and Riley–the perfect ending to a delightful retrospective.

  3. 3

    From Becca:

    Though I only stayed once (for your wedding!), we had a wonderful stay as well. It was a potentially stressful trip, traveling with a one month old 60o miles away from home when trips to the grocery store down the street still freaked me out, and they made it so much more comfortable. Can’t wait to see pictures of your house!

  4. 4

    From Mindy:

    I too have a house that also feels like a second home… I’ve pet sat, house sat, and had Bible study in this house for years. I totally understand the nostalgia and cheer a house can bring. I like that. I feel like ours (we’ve been there 2 years now) just isn’t there yet–it hasn’t had the amount of memories, and it doesn’t have as cute of decor as the house I’m talking about… but I’m hopeful it will someday. :) Very sweet post. The dogs look so happy!

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