a handmade, thrifted, eclectic home

October 29, 2012

Recently we went to visit my best friend Becca and her family in their small Kansas town. Her husband Micah works as a firefighter and she stays home with their three children (aged 4, 2, and 1). In addition they rent out houses in the area.

They just moved into their own 1950’s era ranch style home a year ago and have already knocked down a wall, closed up a doorway, and redone the kitchen cabinets. Although they still have many unfinished projects, as soon as I walked in I felt instantly at home. It all had to do with Becca’s decorating style; she has filled the place with thrift store finds, family items, and handmade touches.

I asked her if I could share pictures with you of her home and she was happy to oblige! I came away inspired with lots of ideas to add homey touches to our house.

Becca has given their front door such personality with the handmade burlap welcome banner and a cute little chalkboard message. Plus I love the way the plants line the front steps. When we got there they also had several pumpkins sitting out, but we let the kids paint them. :)

The wall they knocked down used to be in between the living room and kitchen. Underneath the carpet is beautiful wood floors, and uncovering them is their next project. Becca didn’t like the fabric on the couches she had, so one is slipcovered and the other is covered with a blanket. She sewed new pillow covers herself.

I adore these shelves that they put up themselves. The unfinished look really works, and they are filled with books and crafty goodness.

On another wall of their living room is this huge window that they saved from their first house together after it had to be replaced. Becca bought a plain wood “H” and covered it with old book pages and images from a magazine using ModPodge.

Although the dining table is covered in these pictures, it’s actually a really pretty antique, and there’s a nice mix of chairs surrounding it. Becca has several vintage tablecloths that she rotates through. I love that idea.

Here she has painted directly onto a slab of wood.

To the right of the cabinets there used to be a doorway passthrough to a formal dining room, but they closed it in and made that room a bedroom. Eventually they plan to extend the cabinets or hang more shelves, but for now it makes for a perfect kids’ table area. I also love the look of hanging pots and pans.

In the family room Becca sewed and hung a banner of vintage tea towels.

The master bedroom is so simple and cute! I love the sweet curtains she sewed out of vintage sheets and the leaning mirror.

Another old window (this one much smaller) hung in their room.

Even the bathroom got some attention. She finds framed cross stitches at thrift stores and has several hanging throughout the home.

Her daughter’s room has an unfinished portion of the wall where they closed in the doorway that they haven’t gotten to yet, but it’s still adorable. She hung pages from a vintage children’s book with wooden hangers, and made another graphic wall hanging using paper and canvas.

This is the boys’ room – love those antlers. Can you spot the photobomb? :)

I love my own home, but I have been at standstill in decorating it for awhile because I really didn’t know what I wanted it to look like. Lately it’s been feeling very generic to me, and after being in Becca’s home I now know what it’s missing, and better yet, I know it won’t take a lot of money to get what I want. Just some patience stalking thrift stores and getting my craft on. :)

Posted in: home

Comments on a handmade, thrifted, eclectic home

  1. 1

    From Nora:

    Can she come to my house? I love what she’s done with their house and I would LOVE tips on where to find vintage table cloths as I’m a huge fan of them. Thanks for sharing :)

  2. 2

    From kapachino:

    Right? She lives in a really small town and they have, like, one thrift store and a couple antique stores, and yet she still comes across some great stuff!

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