virtual bible study

May 28, 2013

sevenAnyone up for a virtual Bible study? I’d love to try one. My church isn’t currently running one and I’d love the accountability and discussion that comes with a small group that is reading and studying the same thing. I thought I would throw this idea out there to see if there is any interest.

The study I’m proposing is Jen Hatmaker’s 7: An Experimental Mutiny Against Excess. I was browsing the bookstore and it called out to me; I thumbed through it and I felt a very strong pull to buy it, so I did. It is 8 weeks long, so I’m thinking that we’ll meet virtually using Google hangout each weekend to chat about the previous chapter.

So, are you interested? Have any thoughts or suggestions? If you want to get in on this or stay updated make sure I have your email address and I’ll send out an email in the next week or so.

And if no one is up for it, well, that’s cool too. :)

Posted in: books & reading, faith

Comments on virtual bible study

  1. 1

    From Becca:

    I would be interested. I was going to reply the last time you mentioned it and forgot. The book totally sounds like my kind of thing. I’m in. (Though, you will have to fill me in on the Google hangout part.)

  2. 2

    From Sarah:

    Yes! I’ve really been wanting to read that book, and it seems like the kind of thing that’s better to read in a group. I’ve never tried Google hangout… I am in a private facebook group that’s reading the Bible in One Year, and that’s worked out pretty well.

  3. 3

    From Stephany:

    I’m up for it! I totally meant to reply to your email but I think I accidentally deleted it. And that book seems perfect!

  4. 4

    From Karen:

    I’m interested – I know that book will challenge me in a good way.

  5. 5

    From Jen:

    Yes, yes, yes!!!

  6. 6

    From Maria:

    I have the book and am interested!

  7. 7

    From Sarah Johnson:

    Would love to do this!! How should I get you my email address?

  8. 8

    From Holly:

    I’m interested ~ but I have no idea how to use Google hangout. Will that be a huge problem? Ha ha …

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